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westf27 - 29/6/12 at 07:21 PM

Is it just me or are others having trouble with o2 signal strength/loss of it.Calls drop out,signal goes completely.

slingshot2000 - 29/6/12 at 07:30 PM

Originally posted by westf27
Is it just me or are others having trouble with o2 signal strength/loss of it.Calls drop out,signal goes completely.

Me too!

Every blinkin' call at the moment !


JoelP - 29/6/12 at 07:36 PM

When i read the title i was about to pipe up and say its perfect, then remembered i had a dropped call today! Was driving in the countryside though lol. Usually fine for me.

Slimy38 - 29/6/12 at 08:01 PM

The rain is crippling phone signal at the moment, we managed to lose Vodafone signal in the centre of Sheffield this week. We're only about 100 yards from the transmitter!!

Confused but excited. - 29/6/12 at 08:43 PM

I had no trouble whatsoever for years, then just over two years ago it started and has got increasingly worse to the point of not having signal for up to ten hours.
When I contacted O2 to complain and point out that as I have a chronic cardiac condition and therefore consider my mobile a necessity.
They suggested I get a land line. Tossers!
Edited to say; It's even doing it in town now!

[Edited on 29/6/12 by Confused but excited.]

Davegtst - 29/6/12 at 08:54 PM

My o2 phone is usually fine but my orange phone is terrible for dropping calls and calls going straight to answer phone without even ringing. Seems like it's getting worse too, especially orange to orange calls.

David Jenkins - 29/6/12 at 09:05 PM

I'm with T-Mobile Orange. When it used to be just T-Mobile I used to get a decent signal at home, with patchy coverage during my commute to London. When T-Mobile joined up with Orange the connectivity got really good and I got signal in most places... until about 5 or 6 months ago. Now I can barely hold a signal at home, getting 1 bar if I'm lucky, but mostly no signal at all.

Rumour has it that T-Mobile Orange is now shutting down some of the 'surplus' transmitters they gained in the merger...

I'd change companies, if it wasn't for the fact that I have quite a bit of contract to go...

Am I the only one who classes mobile phone companies in the same category as estate agents and used car salesmen?

coyoteboy - 29/6/12 at 10:40 PM

No problems for me apart from a single corner of a single room in my house.

02 manages to get a full 3G signal 2 floors underground in my work building

NigeEss - 29/6/12 at 11:49 PM

I've had quite a few calls recently where it rang once then came up as "call failed"

davestarck - 30/6/12 at 09:34 AM

Originally posted by Davegtst
My o2 phone is usually fine but my orange phone is terrible for dropping calls and calls going straight to answer phone without even ringing. Seems like it's getting worse too, especially orange to orange calls.

I'm also with Orange and have exactly the same problems!!

Dangle_kt - 30/6/12 at 09:36 AM

Regular call fails, often my phone never rings and I only know I've been called when the voicemail kicks in

vanepico - 30/6/12 at 11:43 AM

I think it is just crappy phones these days that have so many features, they can't receive the signals! I wouldn't be surprised, the phones batteries barely last a few days. Back when I had a phone that did phone calls and texts, it would work faultlessly.

I'm on virgin mobile and it always cuts out, I don't think there is anything special about O2 :p


nick205 - 30/6/12 at 01:24 PM

Originally posted by vanepico
I think it is just crappy phones these days that have so many features, they can't receive the signals! I wouldn't be surprised, the phones batteries barely last a few days. Back when I had a phone that did phone calls and texts, it would work faultlessly.

I'm on virgin mobile and it always cuts out, I don't think there is anything special about O2 :p


I think you've partly hit the nail on the head here. the explosion of smart phones and the data they trancieve must have put a huge strain on networks. Add in those using mobile network dongles on laptops etc and now 3g tablets too.

I was on O2 for 10+ years on my work phone, never had signal issues until 2ish years ago. It got bad enough that I switched to Vodafone...who are truly abysmal in my experience. I'll bet there's little to choose between a.y of them in reality. Bit like banks!