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Good deed for the day
dave dickson - 17/5/05 at 07:25 PM

So there I was this evening working overtime.
Slaving away for a few extra hours to make my minted-rich boss even richer, whilst earning myself a few pennies to make my existance more bearable.
(can you tell I dont like my job?)

After I was finished I was just leaving and spotted someone lurking about at the gate.
Randoms at the gate after hours are nearly always pikeys (I work at a caravan dealership) "Haw man, how muckle is yer cheapest van, like?"

[Snatch] I fooking HATE pikeys[/Snatch]

Anyway, this guy looked a lot better dressed than the average new-age traveller so I asked what he was after. He had quite a strong foreign accent, Spanish or Italian maybe, I couldnt tell. He wanted a mains connection lead for a caravan, but had been stuck in traffic hence him arriving after we shut. The alarm was set by then and I didnt want to open up again as I would get a rollocking for it tomorrow. I considered sending the guy to the boss`s house next door to ask, but seeing as the boss is such a miserable chuff, he would either just refuse or charge the guy triple "for the inconvenience"

The poor guy was stuck without the lead so I told him to follow me and we went up to my garage, which is the old workshop/store for work as I reckoned there was bound to be a few old leads lying around. Sure enough there was one, which I gave to the guy. He asked how much I wanted.
Seeing as the lead would just end up in the bin eventually, I didnt want anything for it. He insisted so I said £5. He said he would give me something worth more than that instead.
From the boot fo his car he produced a folio of paintings. Turns out he was an art student and had done them all himself. He allowed me to take my pick.

I was gob-smacked. the paintings were fabulous quality.
He insisted I take one, so I chose this...

Cheers mate.

[Edited on 17/5/05 by dave dickson]

scoobyis2cool - 17/5/05 at 07:49 PM

Nice one! Goes to show there are still some decent folk out there!

What are you going to do with it? Hang it up or stick on ebay to make a few more quid "to make your existance more bearable"


dave dickson - 17/5/05 at 07:50 PM

Im gonna hang it up.
Its quite a conincidence actually. My sister is well into horses and about ten years ago did me a painting of a white horse in exactly the same pose.

Not as good as this one though!

Peteff - 17/5/05 at 08:28 PM

They were seen making a getaway towing an Eldiss caravan.