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RoadkillUK - 19/5/05 at 10:38 PM

Enough already !!!!

Benzine - 20/5/05 at 02:35 AM

Agreed. I just sent them an email asking them to stop.

Scotty - 20/5/05 at 08:00 AM

something we should know about ?????

Danozeman - 20/5/05 at 08:01 AM

That dam frog thing gets right on your tits dont it. Sweety the chick and that dragon thing are cack too!!

ned - 20/5/05 at 08:29 AM

some git in a suit somewhere will be making a mint though, they must be sellng like hotcakes if they can afford all this advertising tv space..


splitrivet - 20/5/05 at 08:38 AM

Was watching ER last night and it was on twice in every ad break,what dimwit decided on that,he wants his nuts putting in a vice.

flak monkey - 20/5/05 at 08:42 AM

For those without a clue....

Peteff - 20/5/05 at 08:55 AM

Yup, then take the handle off, give him a hacksaw blade and set fire to the shed . I used to love the insanity test but that bloody frog ruined it for me. edit:- blunt hacksaw blade.

[Edited on 20/5/05 by Peteff]

donut - 20/5/05 at 10:06 AM

Apparently with the orig ringtone for Crazy Frog, Jamster made over 14 million Sqid profit! I just hope they give some to the guy who originaly recorded the sound!

ChrisW - 20/5/05 at 10:59 AM

A good friend of mine runs a similar company - - and makes a fortune out of it!


Scotty - 20/5/05 at 11:38 AM

ah ! penny clicked now, don't watch much tv

pbura - 20/5/05 at 12:01 PM

Never seen it before.

Ringtones, Jesus. Who gives a sh*t? Can't believe the scams for separating fools from their money.

Same thing with text messaging. Why, I asked my daughter, would someone screw around with that infernal button-mashing when they could simply dial the number and talk? She explained that it's popular with kids text-messaging during classes at school. Probably popular with the "FO at work" crowd, too.

splitrivet - 20/5/05 at 12:24 PM

Did you notice during the Ad that the subscription to jamster was £3 a week,just goes to prove theres one born every minute.

chrism - 20/5/05 at 06:33 PM

Originally posted by splitrivet
Did you notice during the Ad that the subscription to jamster was £3 a week,just goes to prove theres one born every minute.

Especially when with most phones you can buy a data cable on eBay for about £5 that plugs into your phone and lets you transfer ringtones, etc. from your PC to your phone.

Mark Allanson - 20/5/05 at 07:12 PM

There is a much darker side to this Jamster thing. Our foremans eldest son signed up to the thing and they send you texts which charge your pay as you go phone a quid a time. You get 12 texts per month, and you cannot stop them unless you text back the correct quit password.

If you look at the adverts carefully, the quit password is different in every one. If you didn't make a note of the password on the advert that you replied to, they will continue to take a quid off you every 3 days until you reply correctly, or destroy your sim card.

Nice way of doing business!

dave dickson - 20/5/05 at 08:19 PM

I dont watch TV at all, so until the other day had no idea what this Jamster phenominon is about.
Yeah, the ad is irritating, but I salute the guy who devised it all. he must be raking the money in. A few low-outlay "music" tracks, set up a website where people subscribe for an extortionate fee, keep the small-print on how to unsubscribe very very small and hard to find, sit back and watch the cash roll in.
Allegedly the guy made a million in an incredibly short time and there is no sign of it slowing down.

I just dont get the whole ring-tone thing. I have an old mobile phone (rarely used) and the tone is a normal "ring ring" Why would I want to pay £3 or so for a ringtone that I switch off as soon as posssible by answering the phone?

MikeRJ - 20/5/05 at 09:01 PM

Alternative to the bloody frog: (absolutely NOT work safe!)

flak monkey - 20/5/05 at 09:04 PM


phelpsa - 20/5/05 at 09:14 PM

Haha lol, the school sensors didnt even pick that one up!


Lawnmower - 21/5/05 at 10:30 PM

Also shows a change in the times,
Ringtones were adapted from music singles, now it seems that music singles are now adapted telphone ringtones.

The 'Crazy Frog' Single is due out soon...

Peteff - 21/5/05 at 11:02 PM

Do you mean the censors Adam?

splitrivet - 23/5/05 at 09:57 AM

Yep, naughty corner for you Adam.