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Worst ebay member ever
flak monkey - 24/6/05 at 06:48 PM

In light of my bad experience I though I would share result of a search for the worst eBay member on record, their feedback can be viewed here:

Absolutley shocking! and I thought my seller was bad!

You can view the rankings here:


[Edited on 24/6/05 by flak monkey]

Noodle - 24/6/05 at 06:56 PM

EBay seems like a bizarre setup to me. All you have to do is pay for something (just like you do everyday in a petrol station or newsagents) and people are falling over themselves to heap superlatives onto to you with huge excess. How many times have you seen "Excellent Ebayer A+++++++++++" etc. Since when did a single transaction qualify someone to pronounce another person very trustworthy or a prompt payer? Perhaps there are people on there who give accurate feedback - I've just not seen any that I feel I can trust.

Still, with reference to the previous link, it's good to see that Mr. T. is using EBay "Negative feedback rating Never Heard Anything from this FOOL" Ah, short-term Saturday afternoon TV nostalgia.



JoelP - 24/6/05 at 07:20 PM

this guy has 135653 items for sale!

and noodle, how right - i once saw a dude with loads of negs, and one positive that said something like 'good seller, you can trust him 100%'. Like f$%k...

[Edited on 24/6/05 by JoelP]

andyps - 24/6/05 at 09:13 PM

Originally posted by JoelP
this guy has 135653 items for sale!

How long will it take just to wrap and take that lot to the post office??

Danozeman - 24/6/05 at 09:36 PM

And how long would it take for you to list all that crap too!!

steve_gus - 24/6/05 at 10:07 PM

yeah - dodgy. 328,000 items sold and only a 99% feedback.



steve_gus - 24/6/05 at 10:12 PM


In a sea of non payers, you get this!

Awesome!!! Pleasure to do biz with!!! Would definately refer to others!!!!

yeah right. Half the positives seem to have a negative comment - perhaps the sellers cant tick the right box when they post feedback

Originally posted by flak monkey
In light of my bad experience I though I would share result of a search for the worst eBay member on record, their feedback can be viewed here:

Absolutley shocking! and I thought my seller was bad!

You can view the rankings here:


[Edited on 24/6/05 by flak monkey]

Phil K - 24/6/05 at 11:15 PM

Originally posted by steve_gus
yeah right. Half the positives seem to have a negative comment - perhaps the sellers cant tick the right box when they post feedback

It might not be that they can't tick the right box, it may be more out of fear of themselves being left with negative feedback in retaliation.

It's probably already been done somewhere, but there should be a database set up indepentantly where people can leave comments, maybe anonymously, about ebay users they have dealt with where they can be more honest, wait until you have your feedback then say what you want without such risk of reprisal.

dave dickson - 24/6/05 at 11:28 PM

click his "left for others" bit in the feedback page....

"I have had a hacker buy 1000 + items so I will not be paying for this sorry!!"

NigeEss - 24/6/05 at 11:29 PM

One thing that really puzzles me is this, if someone has a bad feedback record, why
the fook do people keep dealing with them ??????
Do they like an almost certain chance of being be ripped off ??????
No wonder there are so many stories of people making huge profits by dodgy dealing
when there are be so many knobs who are easy prey.

flak monkey - 25/6/05 at 04:32 AM

If you noticed all of his feedback were from sellers, not buyers. Sellers have no control over who bids on their items. You can however block bidders with 0 or -ve feedback.

JoelP - 25/6/05 at 07:31 AM

you can remove any bid and bar any user!

niceperson709 - 25/6/05 at 11:44 PM

Hi Folks
Looks like my problem is minor by comparison but I must echo David's coment because most of the negs of theis fellows feed back are for failing to complete a purchase . As a rule I always praise the transaction for its speed and efficency as I have no idea what sort of person I am dealling with but if you look at some ones feed back and it is 100% it does mean something particularly if they have made alarge number of transactions . I also find looking at what they have been buying or selling gives some insight into what they are about.
Best wishes