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Type 9 Gearbox
tri - 10/8/06 at 07:59 PM

Type 9 5 speed gearbox on a pinto.

I am having a problem selecting 1st gear (have to depress slightly as if going into reverse), cannot select 2nd gear. No problems selecting 3,4,5 and reverse. I have a remote gear select. Can anyone offer any suggestions as to what maybe wrong. Any help would be appreciated

Just - 10/8/06 at 09:09 PM

Is this at any speed? Sounds like the remote may have warn a little or gone off adjustment slightly.

Usual things to check are oil level, clutch adjustment, clutch arm mech and then remote adjustment.

Monkeybasher - 10/8/06 at 09:54 PM

sounds like the remote to me. Mine did this when the stop bolt(to go into reverse) slackened off.

tri - 11/8/06 at 05:46 AM

Thanks for the help. I will have a look at that.

