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1.8 or 2.0 Pinto
Furious D - 5/9/06 at 06:55 PM

Is there much difference. I have seen a Tiger with a 1.8 Pinto i like the look of. It is apparently running 130bhp.

Which is the better engine and why?

Will i notice much in it between the two?


Just - 5/9/06 at 07:11 PM

Wouldn't get too hung up on BHP figures quoted as they are by and large guess work.

A 1.8 Pinto with a fast cam and 40s/45s will be enough to put a smile on your face in a Tiger.

A 2.0 will give another 15-20 BHP if both engines are in standard-ish trim.

I wouldn't (didn't) let the 1.8 put you off, just assess the car as a new 2.0 is £100 and a days work.

Toady1 - 6/9/06 at 04:12 PM

plus your list of engines are endless!