Dave Write
posted on 3/11/05 at 10:11 AM |
Fuel Lines
Another idea I had was to run the fuel lines under the floor pan, and protecting the lines with polyethylene (plastic) strips running parallel with
the fuel lines, thus giving it a 'wear strip' so that if the car does knock the floor plan, the fuel lines are protected from any damage.
I have a friend building as well and he said he saw that the Westfields fuel lines run under the floorplan and they are proctected, how I dunno, he
never managed to see under the car.
Has anyone ventured this road previously, or any suggestions would be greatly appreciated
posted on 3/11/05 at 10:55 AM |
Have you got major space issues on your tranny tunnel?
I would route them through there every time - saves quite a bit of hassle - I know some people have had problems with SVA testers claiming that pipes
could get pinched by the movement of the diff but Im going to chance it
posted on 3/11/05 at 11:05 AM |
I would definately steer clear of putiing any fuel,brake lines on the underside of the car unless your ground clearance is unusually high. It just
is'nt worth the additional worry.
"just like that !"
posted on 3/11/05 at 11:21 AM |
I ran my fuel and brake pipes along the top of the transmission tunnel and made a round top for the tunnel to cover it all.
Have a look in my photo archive for piccies.
Who is this super hero? Sarge? ...No.
Rosemary, the telephone operator? ...No.
Penry, the mild-mannered janitor? ...Could be!
posted on 4/11/05 at 08:15 AM |
DONT put them below the level of the floor on the underside. They are exposed, and dangerous.
70 mph... hit a bump... ground the fuel lines and chassis... breaks open the fuel pipe... chassis makes spark on the road... Instant Mobile
They are safer and better placed in the tunnel, and safer.
1. The point of a journey is not to arrive.
2. Never take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyway.
Best Regards
Dave Write
posted on 8/11/05 at 06:06 AM |
Thanks for your suggestions guys, I eventuallly decided to run the lines on the top of the tunnel, out of the way of everything.