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Anyone else mad enough to go out today?
NeilP - 28/12/09 at 06:55 PM

Slippery as hell - Absolutely perishing despite wearing several layers and having an artic rated coat - Huuwwwaagee fun

Punters driving up the M42 thought me and my mate were a tad bonkers in a kit with no screens but we were only giong one junction...

gordon h - 28/12/09 at 07:04 PM

if mine was done would be out as well .whats the point in havein one and leaving it the garage.

rusty nuts - 28/12/09 at 07:18 PM

I wish. My car is now stripped down to the bare chassis ready to get the powder coating blasted off

spdpug98 - 28/12/09 at 07:19 PM

Yes, I went out today for a 40/50 mile blat up the A32 and local 'fun' roads - felt much more refreshed (read 'COLD' ) when I got back!

[Edited on 28/12/09 by spdpug98]

coozer - 28/12/09 at 07:32 PM

Theres no way I would go out when the gritters are out.....

scotlad - 28/12/09 at 07:52 PM

Yes- beautiful sun here but by god was it cold!!!!

scutter - 28/12/09 at 09:23 PM

So wanted to, but it's in bits


FFTS - 28/12/09 at 11:44 PM

Yep Got out every day since Xmas day at the moment. Yesterday with my 5 year old girlie and got about 5 miles from home and the skies opened. She thought it was soooo funny trying to drink the rain water as it ran off her goggles and down off the end of her nose. Got out tonight with her after dark as she requested a rid in Beccy (The car Again she thought it was sooo funny that her lips werent working properly because of the cold.

Good girl hey

ReMan - 28/12/09 at 11:52 PM

Oh yes!

paul the 6th - 29/12/09 at 12:45 AM

I wear this stuff on the bike in winter months great stuff! turns the coldest wettest day into the middle of summer

MakeEverything - 29/12/09 at 09:35 AM

Originally posted by scutter
So wanted to, but it's in bits



hellberg - 30/12/09 at 12:47 PM

I was cruising around a little bit in my Pegasus between lunch and Santa Claus.
A nice winterday 24/12 in Sweden!

karlak - 31/12/09 at 05:03 PM

Just got back from a little drive in the MK - Bloomin cold out there, but far more fun than taking the tin-top.

This being my first kit-car, I still cant get over the attention you get from others. "Mum can we get a car like that" - LOL.... Took me 15 minutes to leave Halfords because of being stopped by folk asking about the car