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toyo vs yoko compound
antonio - 3/6/10 at 05:49 AM

hi there
not the usual can of worm question, as i don't want to know wich one is the best.
i'm used to 888 in sg (soft compound), because they are very good when caught on rain and for the begening of the year, but this time i'll try a set of 048 to see how good they are.
just wonder if the soft yoko compound will last as long as the toyo's.
usualy make 5 hard track days (mix weather) on rear and about ten with fronts.

Hugh_ - 3/6/10 at 07:43 AM

The medium compounds of both had fairly similar wear on my Fury.

snakebelly - 3/6/10 at 10:31 AM

Hope you havent been using SG's on the road! There not road legal as far as i understand.

[Edited on 3/6/10 by snakebelly]

procomp - 3/6/10 at 04:43 PM


The yoko will effectively have a shorter life span. That is due to the fact that it has a firmer sidewall construction therefore it will be working the footprint / contact patch harder than the toyo which will just flex the sidewall more.

Cheers Matt

[Edited on 3/6/10 by procomp]

antonio - 3/6/10 at 06:52 PM

merci les gars!
snakebelly, i only use them on track
i'll try a set in medium.