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madteg - 11/9/11 at 09:08 PM

Who is going, or should i say is it worth going.

adithorp - 11/9/11 at 09:15 PM

If the weather is good I'll go for the run out and a chin wag. I won't put anymore expectation on it though and so won't be disapointed.

austin man - 11/9/11 at 09:21 PM

when is it

Proby - 11/9/11 at 09:24 PM

Originally posted by austin man
when is it

Next weekend.

ReMan - 11/9/11 at 09:42 PM

Plan to on Sunday if it''s fine.
I want to have a go at getting in and out of an MK with a full cage.
If I can, then it may be added to the winter mod list

jollygreengiant - 11/9/11 at 10:25 PM

N0, cars up in the air and will possibly be like that till next year now, engine mounts, suspension bushes and owt else I can afford whilst up.

Steve Hignett - 12/9/11 at 12:16 AM

Give me a shout if you go to it Adi...

adithorp - 12/9/11 at 08:06 AM

Originally posted by Steve Hignett
Give me a shout if you go to it Adi...

Do you want picking up? Big (actually HUGE) breakfast at PreesHeath then on to Stafford.

jossey - 12/9/11 at 09:01 AM

woww looks like it will be a bigger turn out than last year. lol

theduck - 12/9/11 at 09:30 AM

Where can I find more details on this? I'm tempted to pop along and have a look

adithorp - 12/9/11 at 10:34 AM

Originally posted by theduck
Where can I find more details on this? I'm tempted to pop along and have a look

More discussion here along with a link to the show site.

Snuggs - 12/9/11 at 12:13 PM

No mention of free entry for kitcar drivers.

If it wasn't for the owners displaying their cars there wouldn't be a show.

I wont be going this year after the farce last year.

DRC INDY 7 - 12/9/11 at 12:26 PM

I went 2 years ago apart from a nice ride there and back the show was crap not worth going plus we got in free back then

Alfa145 - 12/9/11 at 12:49 PM

Been the last 2 years to try and support the industry, but the rip off charge to get into an empty hall and bad organisation means this year I'll be off to the Midland Game fair for a few shots at clays instead.

rusty nuts - 12/9/11 at 07:26 PM

If the show is likely to be as good as the mag then I for one will stay at home!

Steve Hignett - 12/9/11 at 07:52 PM

Originally posted by adithorp
Originally posted by Steve Hignett
Give me a shout if you go to it Adi...

Do you want picking up? Big (actually HUGE) breakfast at PreesHeath then on to Stafford.

If you fancy picking me up mate, that would be really cool/generous of you! TVM!!!

mistergrumpy - 17/9/11 at 05:07 PM

Did anyone go then despite the weather?

Sonic7 - 18/9/11 at 07:24 AM

Hi all, went yesterday, weather wasn’t great so not surprised that many stayed away, defiantly a declining show compared with previous years. Usual array of 7’s and some Cobras. Never paid a £10 to go in the Hall as many people said it just wasn’t worth it as there was just far too few manufactures supporting the event.

Unless the weather improves not to sure it will be any better today.


adithorp - 18/9/11 at 09:05 PM

Run down was good. Weather was good. Breakfast at PreesHeath was good. Show was s***e!... but then I didn't go inside like a lot of others. Can't have been more than 30 cars outside and most of them were the RHOC, who apparently just went for the free camping and didn't go inside either. Only other club presence was CorvinOwners but they didn't have any cars there, just a gazebo and a BBQ. M6 traffic was bad on the way home, which was good 'cos I forced me to detour through the lanes.

I had a chat with some guys from the Dutton owners club. They'd been invited to to display inside the hall in order presumably to make it look fuller. They'd also been invited to a meeting to air thier views on why the show was so poorly supported...

Alfa145 - 19/9/11 at 07:58 AM

He needs a meeting to find out why the show was poorly supported? 10 mins surfing on 4 or 5 kit car forums would give him most of the answers he needs....

ReMan - 19/9/11 at 08:40 AM

As said, If they had anything about them at all, they would have worked it out from the reactions last year for making kit drivers pay to get in for one thing
That internal meeting would have saved them this embarrassment. I for one hope they lost lots of money on it.
I would have been ashamed at charging any Joe public £10 to get in yesterday

I'll have £5 with anyone on it not happening next year It's a shame, but the customers are not the rich fools they'll have them for these days

adithorp - 19/9/11 at 08:44 AM

One guy told me that DT's wife asked him "Why should we let you in without paying?" His answer would have been unprintable, but he held his tonge and walked away.

mistergrumpy - 19/9/11 at 11:04 AM

Just sen a posting on PH from Tom Saunders from KitCar magazine sying that Stafford won't be run next year. A pity really as it's the only real Northern show and if it was done properly ad supported better by the manufacturers then it would be great. I enjoyed it a couple of years ago.

Alfa145 - 19/9/11 at 11:35 AM

Do you have a link to that please?

Edit: Found it...

[Edited on 19/9/11 by Alfa145]