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Blocked for sale adverts
balidey - 17/7/09 at 01:46 PM

What happened? All of a sudden I can't access the for sale threads unless either the advert is older than 48 hours, or I pay to be a contributor. I know that the obvious answer is to pay up, but I don't remember seeing any announcement that this was about to happen. Or did I miss it?
I know its not much to become a contributor, and it does help the running of the site, but I am a member on several forums and each one seems to be wanting money and each forum just says 'its only a few quid, look at all the benefits you get'.
I'm am going to contribute, (looks like I'm being forced too, which is not nice) but its going to have to be after the end of the month.

Andy W - 17/7/09 at 02:02 PM



Werner Van Loock - 17/7/09 at 02:03 PM

just noticed it too

sad move, what's next, pay per view?

cd.thomson - 17/7/09 at 02:05 PM

ive given my 4ps worth in the other thread, but to fellow posters - I really hope this doesnt put you guys off hanging out here!

P.s. you could always u2u the user who has posted the "for sale" thread if the title interests you

Charlie_Zetec - 17/7/09 at 02:06 PM

I'm a bit disappointed that there was no notice given, but at the end of the day it is only a fiver.

I understand that some will moan, plenty of forums to join etc. etc., but I've always found this site to be the broadest knowledge base, and full of friendly faces (or avatars!).

Thus, my hard earned cash has been electronically transferred - just means I can't have as many beers in the pub tonight.

Worse things have happened!

[Edited on 17/7/09 by Charlie_Zetec]

Dangle_kt - 17/7/09 at 02:07 PM

Looking at it from the other side, I'm glad my contribution now gets me something. It's just a shame it is not something extra rather than taking something from non contributers.

Mr Whippy - 17/7/09 at 02:10 PM

oh well all my stuffs definitely better being sold on e-bay then

ChrisW - 17/7/09 at 02:13 PM

Originally posted by Mr Whippy
oh well all my stuffs definitely better being sold on e-bay then

You'd rather pay 10% to eBay for everything you sell than a one-off fiver contribution to this site? If so, I'm glad my efforts (and expenditure) are appreciated.


[Edited on 7/17/2009 by ChrisW]

balidey - 17/7/09 at 02:16 PM

Can someone merge these threads?

Actaully I'm looking forward to being a contributor, I'm dieing to see whats in the club shop

ChrisW - 17/7/09 at 02:16 PM

Originally posted by Macbeast
Since you're there - can I pay cash or cheque ?

See my post here:

Cash is also fine, but in person only. I'm not too keen on giving out my address!


Mr Whippy - 17/7/09 at 02:17 PM

It’s not me I’m talking about but the folk who are able to view my items that seems to have reduced

or if I contribute does that make them available to view be anyone (even non-contributors) without the 48 hour delay? I could have sold the stuff by then.

tegwin - 17/7/09 at 02:28 PM

Is that the death bell I hear.... .... ..... Excelent way of putting new members off...

Especially the restrictions on the for sale/wanted section...... Thats a baaad move!

[Edited on 17/7/09 by tegwin]

ChrisW - 17/7/09 at 02:28 PM

Ford Fair in two weeks then?


ChrisW - 17/7/09 at 02:38 PM

Again, if you go on eBay, the chances of you putting less than a 3 day auction are pretty slim.

By then, any non-contributor can see you are selling an item of interest (as long as you make the subject sensible) and will come back after 48 hours.

All this does is give contributors a chance to grab the bargains first.

Just be glad I didn't link the wait time to number of posts, Whippy. Even if it was a minute delay per 'post, you'd be waiting a week to see anything! And yes, that is a hint!


Originally posted by Mr Whippy
It’s not me I’m talking about but the folk who are able to view my items that seems to have reduced

or if I contribute does that make them available to view be anyone (even non-contributors) without the 48 hour delay? I could have sold the stuff by then.

Mr Whippy - 17/7/09 at 02:40 PM

I think those posters who have contributed to this sites overwhelming success by their selfless dedication of advice, time & support to other locost members, should by default get contributor status. The unsung hero’s of Locost Builders.

ChrisW - 17/7/09 at 02:40 PM

Originally posted by Macbeast
Paid by PayPal Chris

Thanks John! Another fiver for the new server fund


balidey - 17/7/09 at 02:48 PM

Bloody double standards if you ask me, ChrisW asking for all this money going towards so called 'server updates', when he hasn't even got the contributor message under his name. Disgraceful

Mr Whippy - 17/7/09 at 02:49 PM

I always meant to ask….just how huge is this server thing?!! Seems to hold an amazing amount of stuff, is it about the size of a fridge? What did it cost to buy? Does it host other forums or is it just dedicated to this site, I noticed other forums that looked very similar and thought they may also be on it? Maybe not don't know

ChrisW - 17/7/09 at 03:04 PM

Originally posted by Mr Whippy
I always meant to ask….just how huge is this server thing?!! Seems to hold an amazing amount of stuff, is it about the size of a fridge? What did it cost to buy? Does it host other forums or is it just dedicated to this site, I noticed other forums that looked very similar and thought they may also be on it? Maybe not don't know

It looks just like the one in the meerkat advert.... sort of


Fozzie - 17/7/09 at 03:04 PM

Originally posted by tegwin
Is that the death bell I hear.... .... ..... Excelent way of putting new members off...

Especially the restrictions on the for sale/wanted section...... Thats a baaad move!

[Edited on 17/7/09 by tegwin]

It is only in the 'For Sale' section and for 48 hours for goodness sake!

People usually join the site because it is a car builders get help, advice and encouragement......

Not to join up just to sell whatever for free.......

A 'one-off' fiver is just over the cost of one months car mag ......... or a couple of tinnies........


Fozzie - 17/7/09 at 03:12 PM

Originally posted by ChrisW
Originally posted by Mr Whippy
I always meant to ask….just how huge is this server thing?!! Seems to hold an amazing amount of stuff, is it about the size of a fridge? What did it cost to buy? Does it host other forums or is it just dedicated to this site, I noticed other forums that looked very similar and thought they may also be on it? Maybe not don't know

It looks just like the one in the meerkat advert.... sort of


Looking at that vid on youtube I have got to say that shirt and tie does not suit me.....simples.....

However...your 'smoking' jacket suits you Chris....


mcerd1 - 17/7/09 at 03:13 PM

Originally posted by ChrisW
It looks just like the one in the meerkat advert.... sort of

do you accept scrap car parts as payment ?

andyharding - 17/7/09 at 04:03 PM

Originally posted by ChrisW

Cash is also fine, but in person only. I'm not too keen on giving out my address!



Not hard to find if you do a search...

Staple balls - 17/7/09 at 04:29 PM

Have 2p from me.

If there'd been a post laying out the plans for the site, a new server etc. and asking people to donate, you'd probably have got more money and more goodwill from members.

Certainly I'd've donated (again, apparently) to keep LCB improving and get some not crap ancient forum software.

Saying, "nope, you're not allowed to see X and Y during Z, unless you pay" and giving no notice, well. The cash will be staying in my paypal account.

Just my opinion like, but Carrot > Stick

Fozzie - 17/7/09 at 04:45 PM

Originally posted by Staple balls
Have 2p from me.

If there'd been a post laying out the plans for the site, a new server etc. and asking people to donate, you'd probably have got more money and more goodwill from members.

Certainly I'd've donated (again, apparently) to keep LCB improving and get some not crap ancient forum software.

Saying, "nope, you're not allowed to see X and Y during Z, unless you pay" and giving no notice, well. The cash will be staying in my paypal account.

Just my opinion like, but Carrot > Stick

Not quite getting your point here...sorry

No one is being asked to 'contribute' again fact, it is only the 'for sale' section for 48 hours for those who have never contributed. They don't have to......

Considering the amount of web traffic this site gets, break-downs are rare, and when they do happen, they are fixed pdq (pretty damn quick).

Many have made use of the extensive photo archive, and use it to the max...........old and outdated maybe.....but it works.......and easy to navigate.....


Steve G - 17/7/09 at 05:02 PM

Well i've got to be honest - i cant see why anyone has an issue with Contributors getting priority on Sale items (and i am not yet a contributor!!).

Having seen items sell on here literally in minutes, is it not therefore fair that those who support the running of this forum get first dibs on the bargains to be had?? If you are a contributor with loads of posts, wouldnt you be a bit pee'd off if a newbie who had only just joined got in there a minute before you?? I would - but feel 48hrs may be a little on the long side for those who are trying to sell items to reach the wider audience. If something doesnt go within the first hour or two then clearly its going to be a little tougher to sell. 24hrs might be a better idea for all - both buyers and sellers??

mistergrumpy - 17/7/09 at 05:03 PM

I can see what Staple's saying. If a notice would've gone up or a mass U2U asking for contributions for a new server and it's cost etc. there may have been a bigger response. A little bit of member involvement/sharing the responsibility, but to suddenly click one day and find you're being penalised seems a bit rude, like entering someones room without knocking, kind of. I have to say as well to follow it up with abrupt responses from Chris is a bit off, take a leaf from Fozzies book, chill a bit, have a little more diplomacy.

Staple balls - 17/7/09 at 05:04 PM

My point is, if you'd asked for donations, I'd (and i'm sure many others) would've stuck another tenner into the pot, and you'd likely have made more money by asking nicely, than restricting access to parts of the site.

As you've effectively made the for sale section a commercial venture* I'm not inclined to donate.

*Obviously, I have no stats, but I'd happily bet all the great deals and bargains go inside 48 hours, you're just selling access to the better deals.

Steve G - 17/7/09 at 05:14 PM

Originally posted by Staple balls
*Obviously, I have no stats, but I'd happily bet all the great deals and bargains go inside 48 hours, you're just selling access to the better deals.

Or to look at it from the other direction, give those who support the running of the site a better chance of picking up the bargains.

You're likely to recoup your contribution to the site the first time you buy a reasonable value item.

No-one is forcing anyone to contribute here and if you dont want to then dont - better chance for those who do to get a bargain if there's less competition so cant see Contributors going to complain in that case

pinto - 17/7/09 at 05:36 PM

This post reminds me
Although im a Contributor
i haven't paid lately
so just paid again great site well worth it

Staple balls - 17/7/09 at 06:01 PM

Originally posted by Steve G
No-one is forcing anyone to contribute here and if you dont want to then dont - better chance for those who do to get a bargain if there's less competition so cant see Contributors going to complain in that case

psst! look under my name , I've contributed, and if asked, I'd've done so again, making access to an area something you have to pay for removes my inclination to pay again.

Though I'm not complaining, just trying to point out the flaws in the way they've gone about this.

I've been involved with other sites where the whole userbase very nearly upped and left due to the attempted commercialisation of the site (instead we all donated to get the site off the old owner and into the hands of a trusted member)

Peteff - 17/7/09 at 06:13 PM

I paid mine but never pursued the upgrade as it was too much hassle and I wanted to stay as a Marklar not be a contributor.

ChrisW - 17/7/09 at 06:21 PM

Originally posted by Peteff
I paid mine but never pursued the upgrade as it was too much hassle and I wanted to stay as a Marklar not be a contributor.

Pete - I'm afraid I don't have a solution for that at present, but there are some changes in the pipeline that will allow me to have custom statuses AND contributor at the same time. It's quite a big change in the way the code works though, unfortunatly, so I'm not intending to roll it out in this version of the site.

To all the others, please think of this not as a way to upset non-contributors, but to add value to those that have made very generous contributions. Nobody is forcing anyone to contribute, so if you don't feel that the site is worthy of a fiver, there is no need to part with any money.

The majority of forums I've seen that charge for membership first off want an ongoing subscription, and secondly lock out whole areas of the site to non-paying members. I don't do either of those things, and don't intend to either!


jpindy3 - 17/7/09 at 06:32 PM

why the hell are poeple being so tight,
and not only that just being bluddy childish,

its only a fiver and its only 48hours and its only second hand car parts,

get over it.

ChrisW - 17/7/09 at 06:35 PM

Sorry, one other thing to add...

Originally posted by Staple balls

if asked, I'd've done so again, making access to an area something you have to pay for removes my inclination to pay again.

Surely, as a contributor, you should be pleased about the change? It can only work in your favour as you get first go at any items posted for sale?


Keith Weiland - 17/7/09 at 06:38 PM

Who is the biggest contributor to a site like this? Someone who gives £5 once and posts infrequently or one who posts every day but pays nothing?

I think the basic idea is sound but you should make people with more than say 250 or 300 (non spam) posts contributors whether they have paid the fee or not.

scootz - 17/7/09 at 06:38 PM

Originally posted by jpindy3
why the hell are poeple being so tight,
and not only that just being bluddy childish,

its only a fiver and its only 48hours and its only second hand car parts,

get over it.


Fozzie - 17/7/09 at 06:38 PM

Originally posted by Staple balls
Originally posted by Steve G
No-one is forcing anyone to contribute here and if you dont want to then dont - better chance for those who do to get a bargain if there's less competition so cant see Contributors going to complain in that case

psst! look under my name , I've contributed, and if asked, I'd've done so again, making access to an area something you have to pay for removes my inclination to pay again.

Though I'm not complaining, just trying to point out the flaws in the way they've gone about this.

I've been involved with other sites where the whole userbase very nearly upped and left due to the attempted commercialisation of the site (instead we all donated to get the site off the old owner and into the hands of a trusted member)

Sorry SB but you are waaaay off the mark here......there is nothing snide or underhand or 'commercial' going on here......

I think you are looking far too deeply into this...sorry.....

Steve G has pretty much hit the nail on the head with his posts......

If an announcement had been made there still would have been threads such as this.......

Talking of announcements, I posted one back in May about site issues (not this) ......very few have taken any notice.........

Ahhh I see Chris has also replied whilst I have been trying to compose this and do a thousand other things........
So there you go.....nowt underhand or commercial at all!


mookaloid - 17/7/09 at 06:39 PM

Just wanna say a big thanks to ChrisW and Fozzie for building and looking after this great site

Well worth the contributions I have made so far, but having traders who make money from selling stuff contribute more substantial sums as they do is also a good idea.

Please keep up the good work - there's lots of us appreciate what you do - even if you can't please everyone!



Keith Weiland - 17/7/09 at 06:41 PM

Originally posted by ChrisW

Surely, as a contributor, you should be pleased about the change? It can only work in your favour as you get first go at any items posted for sale?


Unless you are selling then it can only work against you. Maybe you could put 2 selling sections, one for contributors who want to have the opportunity to sell to everyone straight away.

Cheffy - 17/7/09 at 06:43 PM

Did contribute ages ago but never chased up the upgrade - didn't make much difference then.

Anyway, just donated again. The help, support and information I have had from this site over the years massively outweighs a couple of small contributions.

Keep up the good work guys.


Steve G - 17/7/09 at 06:47 PM

Originally posted by Keith Weiland
Originally posted by ChrisW

Surely, as a contributor, you should be pleased about the change? It can only work in your favour as you get first go at any items posted for sale?


Unless you are selling then it can only work against you. Maybe you could put 2 selling sections, one for contributors who want to have the opportunity to sell to everyone straight away.

Any item that sells quickly this way goes to a contributor so thats where the benefit to contributors comes in.

The one problem i see on the "For Sale" section here is that 48hrs on, items are possibly going to be off the front page of the "For Sale" section so could get missed when they become available to everyone. Also, there is nothing to show when items have been sold unlike other sites i've looked at.

Maybe an automatic "bump" would help after 48hrs, and something to show when items are sold?? More work for admin but could help sellers and buyers alike??

ChrisW - 17/7/09 at 06:51 PM

Originally posted by Keith Weiland
Originally posted by ChrisW

Surely, as a contributor, you should be pleased about the change? It can only work in your favour as you get first go at any items posted for sale?


Unless you are selling then it can only work against you. Maybe you could put 2 selling sections, one for contributors who want to have the opportunity to sell to everyone straight away.

I have thought about that, and it's a feature I will look into more. Not two sections, but giving the option for contributors to have their adverts shown to non-contributors earlier.

If the current site contributors think this is a good idea, I'll look into it some more.


Steve G - 17/7/09 at 07:01 PM

I think its a safe bet that everyone will want the widest audience to their items for sale. Takes away the point of doing it in the first place if there is an option surely Chris??

JoelP - 17/7/09 at 08:03 PM

I think there is no harm as it is, a 48 hour delay just lets contributors get in first, but after 48 hours its still the same price, to the same audience as before. I suspect 24 hours would do the trick though.

Maybe a list on the front page of for sale threads as they turn 48 hours old?

fazerruss - 17/7/09 at 08:06 PM

Originally posted by mookaloid
Just wanna say a big thanks to ChrisW and Fozzie for building and looking after this great site

Well worth the contributions I have made so far, but having traders who make money from selling stuff contribute more substantial sums as they do is also a good idea.

Please keep up the good work - there's lots of us appreciate what you do - even if you can't please everyone!



Here here this site has saved me lots of time and money, Ive learnt alot and its a great bordem killer.
many thanks to those who run it.

stevebubs - 20/7/09 at 10:03 PM

Originally posted by ChrisW
Originally posted by Keith Weiland
Originally posted by ChrisW

Surely, as a contributor, you should be pleased about the change? It can only work in your favour as you get first go at any items posted for sale?


Unless you are selling then it can only work against you. Maybe you could put 2 selling sections, one for contributors who want to have the opportunity to sell to everyone straight away.

I have thought about that, and it's a feature I will look into more. Not two sections, but giving the option for contributors to have their adverts shown to non-contributors earlier.

If the current site contributors think this is a good idea, I'll look into it some more.



I've stayed out of this debate so far, but think this would be a good move and allow people who have contributed to vote with their mice.

Fully expect those that aren't contributors to be stuck with "only visible to contributors for 48 hours" though...

(non-contributor...for now...)

Rob Lane - 24/7/09 at 07:33 AM

After such a long time it's a shame this site is heading for commercialism.
I think it's a bad idea to restrict any posts unless you declare this forum a closed one.
I've added my two'pennorth over time and am always lurking in background.

When you open a forum on the net you willingly take on it's problems and costs. If you want voluntary subscriptions , fine, but don't apply blackmail, however disguised it is.

Please remove me as a member, I've deleted all photos etc but am unable to remove my profile.

loggyboy - 27/7/09 at 11:04 PM

Originally posted by Rob Lane
After such a long time it's a shame this site is heading for commercialism.
I think it's a bad idea to restrict any posts unless you declare this forum a closed one.
I've added my two'pennorth over time and am always lurking in background.

When you open a forum on the net you willingly take on it's problems and costs. If you want voluntary subscriptions , fine, but don't apply blackmail, however disguised it is.

Please remove me as a member, I've deleted all photos etc but am unable to remove my profile.

Agree with all that.. but leaving is a bit OTT

Also to add mt 2ps

Now im assuming that the 48hr limit effects all posters, as in a contributers items will still not been seen by a non contributer for 48hrs?

If so i dont see how restricting the visability of a contributers advert making it harder for them to sell things is much of 'benefit'.

Im sure there are better ways to promote the donations. Ie bigger PM boxes, use of photo albums, longer periods for new users to post new threads in the FS section. dedicated forums etc etc.

[Edited on 27/7/09 by loggyboy]

Fozzie - 28/7/09 at 09:04 AM

Hmmmm, I think a lot of you have misunderstood the ethos behind this.......

or, perhaps not fully read the posts by 'admins'..

ChrisW isn't actively touting for donations/contributions for the site.

Over the years, members have very generously 'contributed' of their own free will, toward this site.....
Some contribute waaay over the £5 (one-off payment), some contribute yearly....again because they want to......not, because they have been asked.

As a collective 'thank-you' and a way of giving a small privilege back to the very generous folk out there, it was deemed a nice gesture to give 'first dibs' in the 'For Sale' section to those folk.

If ChrisW gained a few more contributors because of that, he said that those donations would go toward a new server/IT stuff for this site.

Anybody would think that the 'For Sale' section is always 'red-hot' with pages of bargains, it isn't....

It has been very sad over the last week, to observe some of the 'knee-jerk/keyboard-warrior' type posts, just because some people haven't read the posts concerning this properly, or, if they didn't quite understand, send a u2u....

The 'For Sale' section is not where the wealth of information is to answer all manner of questions on building a car.......


Rob Lane - 28/7/09 at 09:37 AM

Oh come on, a reward for contributors that just happens to blackmail other users to pay to view!
Pull the other one.

Even Blatchat and Westfield forums which are subscription based do not restrict their for sale posts, with the posters option to include a phone number for none members.
It's in the 'sellers' interest that he is given a wider market, not a restricted one.

I've never seen a poster removed before but I request I be removed from the list.
For me the forum is in a state of degeneration to a pay per view.

What started as a free forum is slowly becoming choked, with begging pleas.

Maybe time to ressurect Yahoo Locost again although it's not a forum as such with catagories.

ChrisW - 28/7/09 at 10:19 AM

Very sorry you feel that way, Rob. However, unfortunately, Fozzie and I do not agree and therefore the site will be staying the way it is.

You, and everyone else, are of course more than welcome to continue using the site without making a contribution to it's running costs if you feel you do not get a fiver's worth of value from it. Nobody is forcing anyone to do anything.

On a slightly side note, when the restrictions on 'for sale' were introduce I also reduced the number of occurances of the 'nag screen' for non-contributors from 10:1 to 20:1, yet I notice nobody has commented about that.


clairetoo - 31/7/09 at 05:35 PM

Just one small point from me (may have allready been mentioned , but I've been away in the sun for the last two weeks ) ...... but ........ how much do ebay charge buyers just to browse the listings ?
Nothing .
But the sellers have to pay a fee , as it's them making the money .

I'd happily contribute but for one small thing - I like `posting freak` under my user name

Steve G - 31/7/09 at 05:59 PM

Its unbelievable that so many people seemingly think they have a right to this site being totally free to use every part of it. For gods sake its only the "For Sale" section thats restricted for a 48 hours.

So for those who are whinging about a one off payment of £5, do you think its fair that ChrisW should have to foot the bill for you to use this site?? So there's some revenue brought in from advertising (which is pretty unobtrusive) but its not covering all the bills. Frankly i think those who start making threats to leave should just bugger off and do so - i doubt you'd be missed!!!

Edit - i'll be setting up a Paypal account as soon as i finish changing my bank so will be contributing myself then - and not because want to buy anything!!

[Edited on 31/7/09 by Steve G]