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R1 no clutch
spdpug98 - 22/3/09 at 10:08 PM

As I had the car up on axle stands and no wheels on I thought would put the car into gear and run the drive train up.

As I pressed the clutch pedal it just went staright to floor with no return, I have had the clutch connected for a few weeks and everytime I have pressed it before I have had no problems

Anyone have any ideas as SVA date is getting close and the last thing I need is any problems

tomgregory2000 - 22/3/09 at 10:25 PM

put a car engine in
sorry no help but cider is good

spdpug98 - 22/3/09 at 10:28 PM

Originally posted by tomgregory2000
put a car engine in
sorry no help but cider is good

My Magners is going down well as well

dinosaurjuice - 22/3/09 at 10:29 PM

is it a cable or hydraulically operated clutch?

spdpug98 - 22/3/09 at 10:32 PM

Originally posted by dinosaurjuice
is it a cable or hydraulically operated clutch?

It is cable operated, if you push the pedal down the clutch lever on the gearbox moves but only slightly, it seems to be already engaged / down.

Is there a spring inside the box/clutch which may of broke/popped off

Adam - 22/3/09 at 10:39 PM

same kinda of thing happened to me on the way to my SVA you have your cable set up wrong and you are engaging the ckutch too much and the spring washer plate thing in the clutch has been pulled too far and is stuck thw wrong way. Take your clutch cover off an spring it back the other way and then when all back together set it up so it does't engage it too far.... Hope this helps


[Edited on 22/3/09 by Adam]

spdpug98 - 22/3/09 at 10:45 PM

Originally posted by Adam
same kinda of thing happened to me on the way to my SVA you have your cable set up wrong and you are engaging the ckutch too much and the spring washer plate thing in the clutch has been pulled too far and is stuck thw wrong way. Take your clutch cover off an spring it back the other way and then when all back together set it up so it does't engage it too far.... Hope this helps


[Edited on 22/3/09 by Adam]


Thanks, I will have to get the cover off and have a look. I thought that I had it set up correctly but I guess it had too much pull on the pedal

I guess I need to drain the oil before removing the cover....that wil be a waste of £30!!!


dinosaurjuice - 22/3/09 at 10:45 PM

is the clutch permanently engaged or disengaged?

unless something has majorly failed (like the basket has cracked ) i cant think whats wrong with it...

edit: good suggestion ^^^^

[Edited on 22/3/09 by dinosaurjuice]

Adam - 22/3/09 at 10:47 PM

Don't ask me to explain this but no need to drain the oil to take the clutch cover off. Weird i know but it is a fact, i have done it.


spdpug98 - 22/3/09 at 10:49 PM

Originally posted by Adam
Don't ask me to explain this but no need to drain the oil to take the clutch cover off. Weird i know but it is a fact, i have done it.


Cheers Adam, I will get the cover off and have a look

ko_racer - 23/3/09 at 12:22 AM

As above, no need to drain oil. You've just over extended the clutch, whip the cover off and reset the spring.
Then just use a clutch stop on the peddle to stop you doing it again.
20 Mins and all sorted, if you've got enough room to get the cover off with the engine in the car that is

nitram38 - 23/3/09 at 07:29 AM

Rather than put a stop on your clutch and have a short ON/OFF one, extend the clutch lever arm.
I have an 05 with a wilwood pull slave, 0.75 wilwood master and I have removed the freeplay from the clutch and added another arm to the clutch which is 67mm from centre to centre.
I get a full pedal (although very light) and the bite is smooth.



[Edited on 23/3/2009 by nitram38]

spdpug98 - 23/3/09 at 08:41 AM

20 Mins and all sorted, if you've got enough room to get the cover off with the engine in the car that is

I hope so....will have a look later and then put a stop on the pedal, then look at a proper solution after SVA

spdpug98 - 23/3/09 at 11:12 AM

Well it seems I have just had my first bit of luck with this build, I had loosend all the bolts on the cover and was trying to prise the cover off but it wouldn't come. I wiggled it more and more then 'snap' I guess the clutch spring had popped back in to place, full clutch now and all bolted back in place - 15 minutes tops!

Going to put a stop in place later to stop it happening again

Thanks for all the advice

Adam - 23/3/09 at 01:09 PM

nice one not far off what happened to me. Got the cover off then started to undo the plate bolts and SNAP! back it went... result


PaulYDP - 23/3/09 at 04:04 PM

Similar thing happened me on my ZX9R except I wasn't so lucky and snapped the end off the lifter rod and damaged the lever too! Sorted now though and have a stop on the pedal so it won't happen again!