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What She Worth :(
Adam - 26/4/09 at 01:48 PM

Hi All

Going to sell my MK Indy R1. Decided as it just isn't getting used. I really enjoyed building it but find my bored with nothing to do, so me and my dad have decided to sell and build something else.
What do you think it's worth? It a MK indy with R1 2000 engine in. All jetted, Carbon bits everywhere, detachable steering wheel etc.

Any input would be appreciated.


[Edited on 26/4/09 by Adam] Rescued attachment Front.JPG
Rescued attachment Front.JPG

Adam - 26/4/09 at 01:50 PM

Rear Pic Rescued attachment Rear.JPG
Rescued attachment Rear.JPG

Adam - 26/4/09 at 01:50 PM


Forgot to add. Should have a 58 plate once i remove my private plate Rescued attachment Interior.JPG
Rescued attachment Interior.JPG

omega0684 - 26/4/09 at 02:00 PM

can i ask where you got your dash from and is it real CF?

greggors84 - 26/4/09 at 02:14 PM

Around 7k - 7.5k

Depends how much of a rush you are in to sell it.

Price it at 6.5k and it should go quite quick but if you hold on you should get more. Its all about waiting for the right buyer who is looking for a car just like yours.

I think MAC1 sell similar dashes.

Adam - 26/4/09 at 02:23 PM

It it a Mac 1 Dash, and yes it is real carbon I fibre glassed bolts onto the back so as you can see you can's see any of the mounting bolts nice and clean.


richardh - 26/4/09 at 03:30 PM

depends on the reg a bit too.
look on under classifieds / BEC for others

very tidy car

slimtater - 26/4/09 at 03:55 PM

I wouldn't object to paying 7-8k for that if I was buying. Really nice looking car and I love the unfussy black/silver/carbon combination. If you look at what others are advertising for and go for the higher end of the range because I think yours has that wow factor (certainly in photo form).
Good luck!

hobbsy - 26/4/09 at 05:37 PM

Surely its got to be worth more than that? (£6500).

If I was a potential buyer I would be a bit worried by *some* of these cars that are built, SVA'ed then used for a sometimes 200 miles and a couple of months and then up for sale. I understand that a lot of people get the pleasure from the build but surely these are drivers cars!

I'm not implying this is the case here AT ALL but it sometimes makes me worry that perhaps they built something that doesn't come up to scratch for some reason - e.g. god awful handling (not necessarily the builders fault). And so they sell up after 200miles.

Back on topic - it looks like a really nice car - carbon bits are always good!

Ninehigh - 27/4/09 at 01:42 AM

58 plate is about 6 months old now?

I'd pay £8k for it now if I had 8k!

Adam - 27/4/09 at 04:34 PM

Thanks for the input guys.

Basically my situation has changed at my house so i have no where to store it other than my parents and i find my self going there, driving it the same route then putting it away until next time. Not as much fun as building it. It's a fast car yes, but not practical enough to take it home for the weekend. So thought it best selling now when it's in the best nick.

Cheers guys

eddbaz - 27/4/09 at 05:53 PM

deffinatly worth more than 6.5k,id say with needing iva now if you build one yourself secondhand kitcars are bound to be more desirable and perhaps command a higher price than before, also good time of year to sell,I'd try 8k and see how you go. Goodluck.