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Bike cutout/level sensor
Major Stare - 16/6/11 at 07:01 AM

Relocated the R1's engine managment module and 3 other modules, one of which is the engine cut devise sensor.

When pulling the plug off to disconnect, the inside of the engine cut sensor came out with the plug. Its a PCB and a half moon disk.

Which way does the disk need to be when put back in the module?

Davey D - 16/6/11 at 09:07 AM

It is recommended to glue the little pedulum in place when fitting it to a car, so as not to have the sensor move, and cut the engine mid corner, as the g forces are different with a bike due to it leaning over when cornering where a car doesnt

Davegtst - 16/6/11 at 09:11 AM

Don't know about the R1 but on the hayabusa i have fitted a resistor and got rid of the tip over sensor altogether.

Strontium Dog - 16/6/11 at 09:48 AM

Originally posted by Davegtst
Don't know about the R1 but on the hayabusa i have fitted a resistor and got rid of the tip over sensor altogether.

That's the best thing to do IMHO! The last thing you want is the engine cutting half way around a bend!

Major Stare - 16/6/11 at 08:53 PM

So, if i glue it, at which/what angle should the half moon pendulum?

dave107 - 17/6/11 at 09:50 PM

Small magnet on the pendulum should be above magnet on circuit board, just done mine R1 2003 checked the position by moving it around until engine fired up.