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First start
iiyama - 23/3/08 at 08:24 PM

Ok guys, two minds always better then one, or in this case loads of minds better then mine!

Getting close to the first start, so Im looking for a check list before I press the button. Think Ive got most of it covered but there is far more experience on here then Ive got so back to the first paragraph!!!

eccsmk - 23/3/08 at 08:29 PM

for me i checked oil water fuel then just went for it !!
the best part of the built for me

Kev99 - 23/3/08 at 08:44 PM

Same as me then

iiyama - 23/3/08 at 08:54 PM

pretty much what I had in mind then!!!

However as Im running a dry sump on the busa I wondered how to make sure oil is where it should be. Probably should have mentioned this before!!!!

matt.c - 23/3/08 at 09:47 PM

checked fuel and then checked oil pressure and stood back with a fire extinguisher in hand while the key was turned. Lucky it didn't catch on fire as i couldnt get the pin out of the extinguisher any way!!

Gezza - 24/3/08 at 06:10 AM

Hi, before my first start on my dry sump busa i took all plugs out and slackend the banjo bolt on oil feed to cam box, cranked engine over to ensure oil pressure, then tried to start and away it went first time, hope this helps


iiyama - 24/3/08 at 11:07 AM

Thanks Gerry, Im liking that idea!!!

moochofun - 26/3/08 at 03:30 PM

Sounds like your on the right track.

My method is:

Check oil, water & fuel levels.

Take plugs out, turn over to get oil pressure up.

Put plugs back. Fire up and bring up to temperature. Checking for any leaks.

Shut down, check oil and water levels and refill as necessary.

Start up and bring to temperature again. Check for leaks. Shut down and check fluids refilling as necessary.

Go for blat.

Check fluid levels on return.

Try to wipe off smile

iiyama - 26/3/08 at 03:36 PM

What about fuel pressure?

I want to try and get pressure up before cranking to check for leaks on that line. Have to say this worries far more then the oil!!!!

moochofun - 26/3/08 at 04:11 PM

Your fuel pump should be pumping fuel up the lines anyway?? Leave the ignition on for a good few seconds. Make sure fuel is getting to the carbs tho.

Oil pressure is way more important than fuel pressure in my opinion. If your tracking your car, an oil temp guage may also be useful.

iiyama - 26/3/08 at 04:37 PM

Pump will run for a second or so when ignition is switched. So Ill just turn on and off a few times I guess.

Have oil temp and pressure guages, plus water temp and fuel pressure.

[Edited on 26/3/08 by iiyama]

moochofun - 26/3/08 at 08:11 PM

Nah, you don't need to switch it on and off, only the once will be fine. My pump clicks like crazy for the first couple of seconds then the clicks slow down as the pump primes the lines. The fire.

Unless it is a mechanical pump in which case make sure the battery has plenty of life in it for turning it over. The lines should get primed the same time you check for oil pressure though (with the plugs out that is).

If it's a mechanical and hard to start I have seen the option of fitting an electrc pump purely for starting purposes and then isolating the electric pump once the engine is started.

Probably going into too much detail now............

iiyama - 26/3/08 at 08:15 PM

Never too much detail as far as Im concerened!!!!

Pump is an electric one and engine is FI

moochofun - 26/3/08 at 08:39 PM

Originally posted by iiyama
Never too much detail as far as Im concerened!!!!

Pump is an electric one and engine is FI

You'll not have an issue with fuel then me thinks. All that trickery black magic stuff should do it all for you

iiyama - 26/3/08 at 09:40 PM


richard thomas - 28/3/08 at 09:32 PM

Make sure you get the oil pressure up before you fire it up!! I had fitted an oil cooler, and I couldn't get pressure up until I had primed the cooler itself.

iiyama - 13/4/08 at 06:36 PM

One other thing I need to ask.

Engine has been sat around for about 20 months. Will it be worth pumping some WD40 down into the cylinders before I try and start? I know that if it does start itll smoke like a biatch for a while, so is it worth it?

Dangle_kt - 13/4/08 at 07:29 PM

Can you turn it over by hand? Do the cylinders look gummed up?

20 months isn't very long to be stored, as long as it wasn't left open or anything.

I opened up a blade engine years ago that looked rough as a badger on the outside, but the inside was sweet and ran like a clock - sometimes by messing you introduce opportunities for cock ups.

I'd check pressure then rock and roll!

Good idea about extinguiser.

iiyama - 13/4/08 at 07:48 PM

Havent looked at the cylinders as I havent had it apart.

Need to take out the plugs and see if I can turn it over but I need a plusg spanner to fit. Tried to get one yesterday but Halfrauds were bloody useless! Need a size 10 I think.