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Racing wheels
ryanslaney - 24/3/09 at 11:17 PM

Hello all,

I am after a little advice please if I may. I am looking at getting some new race wheels for my Tiger Avon. All racers in the tiger series use team dynamics wheels, is there a lighter brand out there that any of you guys use.

any replies appreciated.

Paul TigerB6 - 24/3/09 at 11:27 PM

Lighter than pro race 1.2's as supplied by Tiger - there is but for a race wheel i guess you dont want to spend a fortune.

Have a look at the compomotive cxr's i'd say. You could go to Mike Barmby / Image but the cost is getting daft really

alistairolsen - 24/3/09 at 11:35 PM

And if you go for mag splits you have to start lifing wheel rims and you cant use them on the road really.

Blackbird - 25/3/09 at 12:58 AM

I have no idea what size you need or if there's a mandated size, but here in the US you can get a set of Exospeed (AKA Lenso) VPD 13x7.5 for a little over $600 and they are very light!
Right about 8 lbs a pop.

Of course, shipping to the UK may cause them to be cost prohibitive...


StevieB - 25/3/09 at 12:18 PM

You could always go for the Team Dynamics pro race 1.2's from Mac#1 in 13" form - they'll be lighter than the standard 15" wheel and are comparable in price and weight to the Compomotives.

That said, CXR's are far better looking IMHO and that's what I'll be going for.

hicost blade - 25/3/09 at 12:32 PM

These are cheap enough and very light 6

As used by Westfield

But try phoning rimstock direct, I got some 15 x 7 pro race 2's for £30 each! and they do 888's for £65 each. Bargain!

ryanslaney - 25/3/09 at 05:37 PM

Thank you very much for all the help guys.