Ive just been refused a MSA logbook for my sylva phoenix due to the roll bar not complying with k 1.3.3 as nowmodified specialist cars must comply
with k 1.6.1 . i.e the roll bar must have backstays. (facing backwards)
However since the roll bar is already mounted on what is in effect the back of the chassis it has only the front facing stays.
Have any of you had this problem ? The car runs a basically 'seven' chassis that stops at the rear axle line with only a cradle for the
fuel tank and a lightweight rear body mount.
The rule in the blue book looks pretty clear but seems to leave me no way of complying!
Any guidance ??
thanks Dave
Well you could fit a pair of rearward stays even though they would be mostly decorative due to the lack of structure below the rear frame.
(But keep the forward stays for additional security).
I'd post this on the RGB forum if I were you, as there are loads of Phoenix there in a similar situation.
Worrying times.
[Edited on 3/5/11 by matt_gsxr]
The pheonix chassis is basically the same as a Striker yes?
If so we run the diagonals down to the 'fuel tank cradle' as you describe it - though on my striker that's still 1 inch square steel
tubing same as the chassis structure so plenty of strength in it.