Looking to get a pedal box for the locost 1300 crossflow with std twin choke webber
OBP do these and not sure which would be the best to go for
decided to go for
Floor mounted
cable clutch
twin brake cylinders with bias bar
but there are 2 options to go for on the accelerator
OBPKC013 has the pedal hinged from the bottom and is one unit
then there is a OBP0055 where accelerator mounted from top
Can any one tell me which is normally used and is the standard accelerator cable used
I would think if you were using floor mounted brake and clutch, then floor mounted throttle would be easier to design/build for.
I thought the same, but am regretting it: I think that it's better for heel-toe to have the travel of the accelerator at the heel (i.e. pivot at
top). If both pedals pivot at the floor, then heel-toe becomes right-side-of-right-foot-left-side-of-right-foot, which is doable, but...
Steve, in the NLs
Gone for top mounted accelorater and bottom mounted couch and brake