Where do you all prefer to put your battery cut off and extinguisher pull, inside or outside the car?
As mine is a semi road car, my preference would be for inside the car so some idiot walking down the street doesn't get tempted to grab them.
But am I sacraficing safety on the track?
Are you building to blue book regs or just adding these features for safety? If you are following the blue book then the positions are prescribed if
not then it's your choice.
Personally if I was going to have them (which I do) then I would put them were the blue book prescribes, they are prescribed so marshals know where to
look, if you have a massive Trackday crash then the marshals will still be looking for the handles in the correct place, putting them somewhere else
could make a critical difference if they can't find them.
Why not have detachable handles? Or a screw on cover for when you park up in a public place.
I fitted two. One according to blue book regs (fitting the handle when competing) and one in the middle of the dash so that passengers can reach it if in a state of panic and it also acts as an anti-theft device.