Anybody able to give me any information about hillclimbs/sprints and what type of car engine combinations are good to use etc, all help appreciated as i dont know if i should use the car i have just built or actually purpose build one, cheers
Your Luego might just be the very thing.
Depending on the regs of the championship you are considering your engine size might just be perfect.
There is though a fair chance that a there will be an up to 2.0 road sports class near you.
I'm actually going to have a go on Sunday myself.
Where are you going Zilspeed?
I am fairly new to hillclimbing but the main car engined kit car classes seem to be:
1. below 1700cc
2. above 1700cc
I would say that the Luego will be fine - it should be capable of putting in respectable times. I think I am discovering that it is actually the
car/driver package that really matters and the driving is at least as important as the actual car!
Also you will need a windscreen and wipers and a suitable rollover hoop with stays plus some other smaller bits and bobs - you can obtain the
regulations from whichever venue you wish to compete at.
I have competed at one meeting so far and I am entering a hillclimb at Harewood and a sprint at Croft on Easter weekend
It is huge fun so why not give it a go?
Originally posted by shaywez
Where are you going Zilspeed?
I did not know that you needed to have a windscreen fitted, why would that be, as i have seen footage of people doing hillclimbs etc with aeroscreens and helmets before?
You don't need to. It depends on the class you wish to run in. Normally you will find that those without windscreens are allowed List 1B tyres -
ie the sticky 32s and 48s as opposed to normal roadgoing tyres.
The Westfield Sports Car Club does an excellent guide to sprinting/hillclimbing
here which you should read.
I recommend you find a local championship though!
The wind screen is required in the kit car classes at Harewood.
Without a screen I would not be eligible and would have to run I think in the sports libre class which is usually a lot quicker.
But get a copy of the regs for your local venue they could be different.
Have fun anyway