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Chassis floor for RGB?
rayward - 8/5/05 at 01:27 PM

Have ordered my 'blue book', but unitil it arrives can anyone tell me if an alloy floor is OK for the RGB, or will it need to be steel??



Northy - 8/5/05 at 02:16 PM

That guy on't telly was fitting an ali floor to his last night....

DickieB - 8/5/05 at 02:44 PM

Have you read the 750MC regulations? Just beacuse MSA specify one thing, doesn't mean that the 750MC can't impose something more stringent.
Eg Locosts have full cages and steel floors.

Jon Ison - 8/5/05 at 03:07 PM

Ally floor is fine in RGB,

here's a link to specific RGB regs....

and here's a link to a site a lot of RGB racers use......

Ray, your welcome too come and spend a day with us whenever where racing if you want to get a feel for the RGB series or 750mc events in general. As soon as this Saturday if you dont mind getting up with the larks.

[Edited on 8/5/05 by Jon Ison]

[Edited on 8/5/05 by Jon Ison]

[Edited on 8/5/05 by Jon Ison]

rayward - 8/5/05 at 03:56 PM

thanks for the replys,

Jon I had found the RGB Regs, already, but it seamed that a lot of jut reffered to sections in the msa book.

Bikecars looks usefull will have to spend some time trawling through the posts.

Spending a day with someone who knows what they're doing sounds really good, although i am working this saturday, cadwell june 5th would be better(closer to me aswell!!) will you be there?


Jon Ison - 8/5/05 at 04:36 PM

yup, we will be at Cadwell, but if you want too spend the day with someone who's knows what their doing then you need too loook elsewhere.........