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Carb Query
Robster - 19/8/05 at 08:37 AM

I know that this is one of those topics that has probably done the rounds before, but it's been bugging me for a few days & I can't find any answer!

I'm builing for the 750MC Locost races series, and know that the regs stipulate that either a single or twin choke carb may be used - I have a 1300 non GT engine that I'm in the process of rebuilding, which has a single choke carb. What do most of you racers use, the single or twin choke carbs?

I seem to recall previous posts here (or on the yahoo list?) that the twin choke carb was the way to go - is this the case or is my memory letting me down? Is a twin choke carb really going to make that much difference?

If twin choke is the way to go, anyone got a spare inlet manifold with twin choke carb they want to sell?


Locost82 - 19/8/05 at 11:54 AM

I use a twin choke and it seems to do the job. I think most racers use them.

Robster - 22/8/05 at 11:32 AM

That's what I feared! I've got a single choke one with my donor engine, but can't seem to find a twin choke... have to keep on looking!

stevebubs - 22/8/05 at 12:04 PM

Originally posted by Robster
That's what I feared! I've got a single choke one with my donor engine, but can't seem to find a twin choke... have to keep on looking!

Normally a twin choke or 2 on ebay at any given time

search for

xflow carburettor
crossflow carb
escort inlet
DGAV manifold

swap around the above keywords sensibly until you get a hit.

Robster - 23/8/05 at 11:05 AM

Yes, I have been looking on ebay, but am not fully clued-up on carb terminology, so not 100% sure what I am looking at!

First step me thinks is to do some more reaearch - anyone recommend a good carb book or website?

ernie - 24/8/05 at 04:11 PM

get peter wallage book rebuilding & tunig ford kent crossflow engine. it has a section dealing with twin choke webber, including very detailed bit for stripping & refurbishment. it does not matter if its auto or manual choke cos you discard them but make sure the venturi sizes are 23/24 to comply with regs. I think you can change them but I`m not sure. I`mjust about to dismantle mine cos its running very rich proberly something jammed after hitting the tyre wall at Pembery (own fault)

Robster - 24/8/05 at 06:36 PM

i've got the wallage book and you're right it h as a great section on dismantling a twin choke.

But I'm coming for a very low knowledge base on carb's here... I didn't know until today what the "32/36" in a DVG 32/36 carb meant. I'm still trying to find out if you can change the venturi, as that will make buying a second-hand one a lot easier - i have come across a few DGV or DGAV, but none with the right size venturi!

Do you know if all DVG carbs will fit onto the GT manifold?

Are you going to Silverstone this weekend; I am going to be there, would be useful to find you for a chat.


ernie - 24/8/05 at 06:57 PM

Rob ,your knowlege is the same as mine at this stage. my 1st season and a big crash means no Silverstone cos I`m trying to reassemble car its almost there apart from the engine not running cleanly. and very rich. so my first time to pull apart carb and hope for the best. I will be at brands if this works

ernie - 24/8/05 at 07:35 PM

ps there is a place in Leighton Buzzard, that does carbs and spares and should know if can change venturis, as far as I konow all carbs should fit the gt manifold

ernie - 24/8/05 at 07:37 PM

pps the carbuerter exchange company

Robster - 25/8/05 at 07:50 AM

Cheers Ernie, I'll give them a call today. Good luck with the rebuild...

ernie - 4/9/05 at 02:53 PM

took the carb apart & put it together again no prob, venturi are part of the body, before dismantalling get a service kit and power valve diaphram

stevebubs - 4/9/05 at 05:11 PM

Take a look at ebay items




Robster - 5/9/05 at 12:51 PM

Thanks for the tips Ernie. And thanks Steve for the e-bay listings - I have found a carb & manifold with the regulation venturi sizes, next step is to dismantle & refurb.

Must re-read the section in the Wallage book - assume it is fundamentally the same even though it discusses the 32/36.
