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MSA Helmet Regs
Fozzie - 26/9/05 at 07:58 PM

I have mislaid my Blue Book!
Could someone kindly tell me the helmet regs for 2005/6 please? I think its section Q10. IIRC.
Do I recall that the suits will also have a 'new'coding too (as from 2006) ?


[Edited on 26/9/05 by Fozzie]

ned - 26/9/05 at 09:35 PM

helmet codes are 'type a' (blue sticker) and 'type a fr' (red sticker)(fr = fireproof lining)

I got an msa sticker on my type a motorbike helmet at lydden a couple of weeks ago...


Fozzie - 26/9/05 at 09:44 PM

Yes Ned I do know what the blue and red are!
The point is.....the regs are changing, so that the 'blue' sticker 'A' will no longer be valid, and only the 'red' A/FR will be allowed.

I believe that it is the label inside the helmet from the manufacturer that counts.....
Not the sticker the scrutineers put on for a £1.

I also believe the racesuit (labels), will be different as from 2006.


ned - 26/9/05 at 09:59 PM

well they never told me when they sold me a sticker, theiving arabs