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Locost Racer
gilduffy - 9/7/03 at 11:37 AM

I am looking for a 'locost formula' race car for my daughter to
start racing, probably next season but sooner if the right car comes

Ideally would like a complete car with some reasonable results on
its CV but would consider a part built kit or any other suggestions.

Any offers?


JohnFol - 25/7/03 at 04:30 PM

Did you see the recent one on eBay?

gilduffy - 28/7/03 at 05:41 PM

Yeah Just missed not quick enough on the key board!

burgessj - 5/8/03 at 09:20 PM

Have you tried looking in Kit Car magazine..

There are normally a few Locost's in the classifieds, but bear in mind that they probably will not be ready to race in the 750MC series, so you will have some work to do to make it compliant.

Good luck....hope to meet you on the grid when I have built mine (probably another two years min)

gilduffy - 6/8/03 at 06:15 PM

Good news I have bought a 'half built' and am getting organised to finish it before the end of this season!