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Registering a kit car for use in Belgium
dwyer - 5/12/14 at 10:48 AM

Hello Guys,

I sold my Robin Hood 2B to a very nice gentleman from Belgium. He came over with a trailer to collect the car, all fine no problems. He is now having difficulty getting the car registered in Belgium and is asking for help. He mentioned a Certificate of Conformity but may have his terminology wrong.

From my side the car was correctly IVA'd and registered in the UK

Does anyone on here have experience of such issues?

Thank you for any help


ashg - 5/12/14 at 11:37 AM

Certificate of conformity is the iva certificate. Dvla nab it when the car gets registered. I made a copy of mine.

fideel109 - 5/12/14 at 12:21 PM

This COC (certificate of conformity) is for cars which have an European approval number and not for kitcars which have done IVA.
To get this car registered in Belgium he has to start a sort of individual approval procedure.
What is the date of first registration in the uk?

dwyer - 5/12/14 at 01:16 PM

The car was first registered in the UK in October 2014, I literally finished building it, IVA test September, registered October and sold in October. I did keep a copy of the IVA certificate and I did provide a copy when I sold the car. It sounds like he needs to research this further with their vehicle registering people in Belgium.

I will pass everyone's comments onto the man from Belgium..

Thank you..


belgian2b - 5/12/14 at 01:24 PM


A kit car never has a COC ( certificate of conformity).

What he has to do is the following :

First of all, got to customs to officially import the car in Belgium.

Then, he has to go to "Autosécurité" ( equivalent to MOT center in Belgium), where they will ask him lots of information about the car in order to ask a specific homologation.

Depending on the first registration date on the V5, he will have to comply to emission regulation.
this can be a great problem for him. ( in UK, you can keep the donor date for the engine emissions, but in Belgium you can't. The first registration date is relevant for emission test).

I have been through this 2 times sucesfully ( Robin Hood 2b and Tiger Cat) but 1 was not sucessfull ( Westfield XTR2).

the older is the first registartion date , the better.

Don't hesitate to contact via U2U if you want to give my e-mail to the guy.


dwyer - 6/12/14 at 05:29 PM

Thank you Belgian2b I have passed on the information in your post.

Thanks again.


alfas - 6/12/14 at 05:44 PM

only westfield and caterham can provide a COC, all other british low quantity manufacterers dont.

IVA is not accepted outside UK, inside EU. so you will need to go through a local type approval...which the car will fail

and finally it will need to comply to the emission-classification linked to the reg-date, hwich it will fail definately:

2014 = Euro 5 or later that year Euro6.

the emmission classification also influences the level of noise-emissions, EMC (electromagnetic compatibility) and certain other things.

calculating all things together...its not worth trying such a procedure nor investing such an amount money for a robinhood.

easiest way is searching differnt registrations documents with an older and re-sell the robin V5c back to UK...(if the car hasnt been declared exported with the dvla)

custom-clearance isnt necessary as UK belongs to the EU

dwyer - 6/12/14 at 05:53 PM

Sounds like the purchaser from Belgium is snookered then Alfas.

He lives near the race circuit in Spa, perhaps he will be able to use it as a track day car!

Thank you for your comments, very helpful..


alfas - 7/12/14 at 12:28 PM

sometimes buying cheap means buying twice.....

UK prices are very exulting, but UK is the only EU country where emission classification is done by the engine age and not by the reg.-date.

plainspoken: besides a few exeptions, all british kitcars built after the SVA test in 1996 was established ( considering that those cars have been 100'% correctly registered, without any nepotism), cannot be re-homologated outside UK.

on the other side there are certain dealers buying "newer" kitcars in UK and re-homologate them in their country...but they do not follow any legal procedure, as the cars suddenly get "older" after crossing the channel!!!

using a robin-hood as a trackday car...hmmm...i dont think that a robin is designed for such a purpose...even the 2B is one of the "better" models from RH "engineering"

may i ask how much he paid?

[Edited on 7/12/14 by alfas]