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IVA regs on heaters
John Stones - 22/9/22 at 01:53 PM

Hello. My locost is fitted with a classic mini heater unit so I can use it as a demister for the screen. However it leaks water so I bypassed it for now. Does anyone know if cool air will be ok to pass IVA test or has it got to be warm air. Bear in mind there is no roof on car or weather protection.

theconrodkid - 22/9/22 at 02:11 PM

when i did mine, the tester breathed on the inside of the screen and saw that the demister cleared his breath marks....that was it, my advice would be to remove the screen for the test.

nick205 - 22/9/22 at 02:25 PM

I did SVA (pre IVA). My MK Indy didn't have a full height windscreen, just a 6 inch plastic screen that I could see over the top of. With that in mind it didn't have (or need) wipers or demister. Even so I didn't fit the 6 inch plastic screen for the SVA test. If it's not there the tester can't be looking for or testing for things like wipers or demisters.

I would point out though that when driving the car with the 6 inch plastic screen I always wore a full face helmet to protect my eyes/face from
stones and insects.


PAULD - 22/9/22 at 03:02 PM

Whatever you do I believe that someone on this site had a heater hose burst which poured boiling water over their legs. As soon as I knew this I took mine off.

Mr Whippy - 22/9/22 at 09:05 PM

I would suggest just replacing the heater with one from a scrapyard, at most it will be £10 if you take it off yourself. In an open top having a good heater makes a huge difference to the enjoyment of the car. I've owned both with and without and no fun sitting there shivering (remember you're not generating much heat just turning wheel), yes you can get electric heated jackets etc but what a faff. I used to drive an old style open top almost all year round with the roof down, basically because the Cortina heater it had was so good at blasting my legs with roasting hot air. A good heater will be one of the best investments you could add to your car.

theconrodkid - 23/9/22 at 07:09 AM

Originally posted by PAULD
Whatever you do I believe that someone on this site had a heater hose burst which poured boiling water over their legs. As soon as I knew this I took mine off.

that was James Miles at Donnington i think, hospital , blood poisoning, sepsis etc, it nearly didnt end well.