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steering stops
joolsmi16 - 13/6/09 at 04:03 PM

Hi all, on full lock my tie rod fouls the wheels rim so I need to but some stops on the steering rack arms.

Any ideas on how to achieve this thinking of welding a bit of flat bar, must be a nicer way although it will never be seen!



Staple balls - 13/6/09 at 04:15 PM

Jubilee clips?

Steve G - 13/6/09 at 04:19 PM

Jubilee clips could have a small chance of jamming. Better with some clamp collars for a few extra quid.

I think 22mm is the right bore for the Sierra rack. Not sure about an escort rack

Snap-off - 13/6/09 at 04:37 PM

I had the same issue and used this method:

Originally posted by adithorp
I turned 2 ring out of ally. Outside diameter a few thou' more than the inside diameter of the rack tube and inside diameter big enough for the rack to pass through without fouling. I then cut a piece out of one side to form a "c". popped it over the rack and pressed it into the tube. The cut allowed it to spring a bit and fit in the tube. Its secure and doesn't need the track rods off to fit.



whitestu - 13/6/09 at 04:48 PM

Pinto valve spring work perfectly for this.


DRC INDY 7 - 13/6/09 at 05:21 PM

i second that they work a treat on mine i have the steering lock of a f1 car now

joolsmi16 - 13/6/09 at 05:23 PM

All good, much better than my welding trick, but I do like welding........



mad-butcher - 13/6/09 at 06:55 PM

I did it this way Rescued attachment limiter.jpg
Rescued attachment limiter.jpg

martyn_16v - 14/6/09 at 08:21 PM

I took inspiration from mad-butcher and did it like this...

I didn't like the spacers sliding along the rack though, I got a bit paranoid about them catching on the teeth of the rack and binding the steering. So I tapped a thread in the spacers and clamp them to the rack with a button head screw, now they move along with the rack.

If you're having to go through IVA it's worth noting that there's a bit in there about failing anything that limits the steering lock that hasn't been specifically designed for that purpose, presumably to stop some of the more iffy bodges (like valve springs).