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Robin Hood Donor Pack
Harry B - 11/10/05 at 02:57 PM

Has anyone purchased this donor pack by any chance?Sounds quite good,and building a Robin Hood at the moment,so want to do it well rather than half-heartedly!Check out
Any feedback would be great,or ideas as to whether I should purchase it or not.

Ben_Copeland - 11/10/05 at 03:03 PM

Sounds ok if you cant be bothered getting a £50 sierra and saving £302.50.

I think stripping sierra's is fun, so buying the bits takes the fun out of it !

But it's a good idea if you dont want too.

Doesn't include steering rack tho ! or sierra loom which i always take just in case i need wires !

Harry B - 11/10/05 at 03:08 PM

I'm just worrried I'm going to have no idea how to strip the Sierra and then end up with a hell of alot of bits I don't need lying about.

serendipity123 - 11/10/05 at 03:10 PM

if you buy the pack your going to have a hell of alot of bits you still need

David Jenkins - 11/10/05 at 03:11 PM

Don't underestimate the effort in removing parts, getting rid of the rest of the donor, cleaning & repainting, and fixing any problems (bearings, seals, etc).

If that company gives a warranty, even a short one, then the extra £300 is cheap, believe me!


Harry B - 11/10/05 at 03:14 PM

They test it and everything,as well as shotblasting and painting it.Sounds good to me,and they have a warranty.Does anyone know anyone who had purchased this though?

Ben_Copeland - 11/10/05 at 03:38 PM

They seem quite new, website under construction, etc. I've never heard of them, so customers might be few and far between !

flak monkey - 11/10/05 at 03:43 PM

If you look at their contact details they are part of Robin Hood cars...All part of the new managements ideas i guess.


ditchlewis - 11/10/05 at 04:02 PM

stripping the donor yourself will give you a great insite into how it should be put back together on your hoodie. the haynes manual is invaluble any way and gives you the info required to strip and refurbish.

i think if you cant strip the donor then prehaps you will have problems with the build.

what do others think?


Harry B - 11/10/05 at 04:07 PM

I will be able to strip the donor,and have a friend who will be able to help me.Just think I will hit many more problems buying a donor rather than a donor pack,and in the long run it will be cheaper.

serendipity123 - 11/10/05 at 04:26 PM

buy a donor you wuss

Harry B - 11/10/05 at 05:03 PM

I don't know if you're aware you are talking to a (just turned) 17 year old boy,and hence since I don't even have a license,I do not know that much about cars.Help is needed,not abuse-if indeed it is mild!

Ben_Copeland - 11/10/05 at 05:07 PM

I was working on cars when i was 13 ! I rebuild my first engine when i was 16.

With a little faith and a haynes manual. Tool kit and angle grinder, anyone can do it !

Ben_Copeland - 11/10/05 at 05:11 PM

Get some mates round, wip the front hubs off, roll the sierra onto it's side, wip the rear sub frame off, roll it back over, take the steering rack, column ok.

Take engine out first if you want it

bazwaz - 11/10/05 at 05:22 PM

Have you been on the Robin Hood owners web site? lots of useful information there if you're building one.

Harry B - 11/10/05 at 05:27 PM

OK.I have decided to buy a donor car instead of the donor pack-mainly after being bullied into submission by Serendipity123(only joking!).Which Haynes manual do I need to use the donor car?Thanks for all the useful tips,I'll keep you posted on progress!

JoelP - 11/10/05 at 05:45 PM

if you dont have a license, it adds a whole new twist to buying a donor whole! Because you cant just blag a lift and drive it home.

Id allow a full day to collect the whole car and dispose of the shell (and maybe £20 to get rid of it also), and another day taking the bits you need. Maybe another day wasted taking bits you dont need!

So it really depends how you value your time. Mine works out to £100 a day, as i can work all day for that and not even see grease! However, if you care to count it as fun, that changes things i suppose.

Dont be shy of ignoring every one and buying it all ready done, i myself would strip it myself for a bit of fun, but i always get pissed off halfway through at the mess and the wasted time.

edit: search ebay for 'haynes sierra' and it will throw up a few editions. Im guessing you want the regular 4 cylinder version.

[Edited on 11/10/05 by JoelP]

Harry B - 11/10/05 at 05:53 PM

Want to build it-cannot buy one as still at school so can't really afford it at the moment.I will look at ebay and then do that.I'll get my dad to drive it back for me,he's always obliging and went to Luton to pick up the kit!Thanks very much

serendipity123 - 11/10/05 at 06:11 PM

good lad, i started my robin hood at 19, best get a donor, and if you bleep it up get another lol at least you'll have something to practice weilding on.

are you builing a 2b (tubie) or a series 7 mate

[Edited on 11/10/05 by serendipity123]

[Edited on 11/10/05 by serendipity123]

Harry B - 11/10/05 at 06:19 PM

It's a Robin Hood S7(Sierra 7),monocoque chassis.....Cheers for the moral support!!!!

serendipity123 - 11/10/05 at 06:23 PM

its just that you have 2b in your profile, you need to chat to robin hood owners as they are quite different back end wise as thay use more parts from the donor, go to the robin hood owners site make friends with a local hoodie and pop over to see him (her?) you'll get a much better idea. s7 you DO NEED to strip a donor YOU WILL need more than the donor pack gives you, a challenge building a hood, maybe more fun though.

[Edited on 11/10/05 by serendipity123]

ceebmoj - 11/10/05 at 07:52 PM

if you have the ally moocoupe chassy would you mined posting up some pics of the chassy?

Harry B - 11/10/05 at 08:18 PM

Am not going home for another two weeks now,but will do so when I do go home to the chassis.