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FS Couple of odd bits
Chippy - 8/10/12 at 03:06 PM

Getting rid of a few bits, while trying to clear a bit of space in the garage.
18 Ford 60 deg loose flange wheel nuts, 16 closed and two open £15 posted.
6 Way plug with lucar terminals £3 Posted
8 Way Ditto £3 Posted
Lucas alternator plug with lucar terminals £3 Posted.

edit to fix the spelling.

[Edited on 8-10-12 by Chippy]

Dick Axtell - 8/10/12 at 03:32 PM

U2U posted re wheel nuts.

Poorscousertommy - 8/10/12 at 04:43 PM

2nd dibs on wheel nuts in the unlikely event you boys don't sort anything out!
