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Wtd. 30mm x 2.5mm RHS
Chippy - 28/9/12 at 01:53 PM

Hi, on the scrounge for a small, (75mm long), piece of 30mm x 2.5mm RHS. Need this paticular size so that it will slide over some 25mm RHS, and be a fair fit. Quite happy to pay if anybody has a bit. Regards Ray

Chippy - 29/9/12 at 09:52 AM

Well anybody know somewhere that I could buy a small bit, only thing I have found on a search is lengths of 6 meters and thats a bit of overkill, Regards Ray

TAZZMAXX - 29/9/12 at 12:09 PM

You might be better off asking for 2mm as there maybe forming discrepancies between the two sizes (tolerances). If you get 30 x 30 x 2.5mm you may end up having a large 25mm box, slightly thicker wall than 2.5mm on the 30mm box, undersize on the 30mm, not perfectly square plus the seam on the inside of the 30mm! It's all a bit too much to hope it will fit. An alternative, and possibly the easist way round this, is to get 2 pieces of 30 x 30 x 3 angle and trim the toes down to 25/25.5 inside and corner weld them. You'll get the fit you want and you don't have to worry about removing an internal seam. For 75mm long it should be a piece of cake. That's how I'd do it anyway.

Chippy - 29/9/12 at 02:24 PM

Ah! good thinking, will try that as have some angle already. As you say should be a doddle. Thanks Ray