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Plasma Cutter Problem
liam.mccaffrey - 24/11/09 at 07:57 PM

Plugged in the plasma tonight for the first time. Plumbed in the air, plugged her in, turned her on, lots of sparks, lots of whoosh but no cutting??

I was trying to cut some 16g sheet, it was marking the surface and did blow a small hole but I had to hold it in the same place for around 8-10 seconds.

Enough air pressure??

Alan B - 24/11/09 at 08:06 PM

Was the ground (earth) connected OK?
That can make a big difference.


JoelP - 24/11/09 at 08:07 PM

unplug the plasma and check the flow of air when you pull the trigger. Should be a good gust. Dont think that will be the problem though, id expect a warning light if there wasnt enough air.

big_wasa - 24/11/09 at 08:10 PM

Have you checked the polarity ?

Ie work piece pos torch neg on mine.

Peteff - 24/11/09 at 08:12 PM

Try cutting from the edge of the sheet, if you hold it down on the flat it might be gobbing your nozzle.

liam.mccaffrey - 24/11/09 at 08:28 PM

It doesn't flow when the unit is switched off it must have a electrical control valve. When it on though you can feel the jet reaction when you press the button.

I'm pretty sure the ground was good its a brand new good quality clamp and it was right next to the attempted cut on clean metal. I will check again tomorrow though.

Could the polarity be wrong???? There is only one way to hook up the cables.

[Edited on 24/11/09 by liam.mccaffrey]

rusty nuts - 24/11/09 at 08:32 PM

Has it got a built in regulator for the air pressure ? Is it set correctly? Have you got a decent air supply? Is the nozzle in good condition? Have you got any instructions? If so have you read them? As you ask enough air pressure ? Their good when they work

StrikerChris - 24/11/09 at 08:48 PM

in fear of sucking eggs and old dogs jumping to mind,if its a scratch torch were you holding it to the job,not hovering above as you would with a burning torch?

liam.mccaffrey - 24/11/09 at 08:58 PM

its a hf start and i tried both I will check all the connections and the air supply pressure tomorrow

mad4x4 - 24/11/09 at 09:21 PM

The tip inside the torch is shot unscrew the ceramic bit and then you will see a bit like

----||---- if it looks like ----||- then it is knackerd

liam.mccaffrey - 24/11/09 at 11:20 PM

ill check but its a brand new tip, torch and machine

baz-R - 27/11/09 at 12:44 AM

could be that the inner eletrode in the torch is sticking
most of the smaller or older sets have a type where it is lifted off a seat by air pressure starting up striking your start arc.
take off your nozzle and try to push it in/out
a small bit of dust/grit make them stick

to much air maybe or a shot nozle,eletrode if not

if your set has mesh cut its hf and is not like this
trust me i used to sell plasmas tigs and welding supplys

aitch - 7/12/09 at 11:33 PM

sounds like dodgy ground to me

i.e. to the work piece

sounds exactly like what i get when i forget to conect the ground clip

but its brand new just take it back and ask them to check it out


boggle - 10/12/09 at 03:09 PM

sounds like not enough air....if you havnt got a bolt of plasma then the current isnt super heating the plasma set says to run at 4.4bar, but i find it wont cut at that and i have to run at 6bar....also you may have a purge button on there, press that before firing it....