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Megabyte Solutions Scam
Hellfire - 10/9/11 at 05:32 PM

Just had yet another telephone call from these scammers telling me that my PC is infected with viruses and that they can fix it remotely if I log onto my PC follow their instructions. The guy gave his name as John Morris from Megabyte Solutions, who just happened to have the thickest Indian/Pakistan accent I think I have ever heard. I politely declined their offer to fix my PC and suggested that it was a scam and told him I'd follow his instructions IF he could confirm the last time I was connected to the internet and who my ISP was. He couldn't give me this information and kept asking me to turn on my PC so he could show me.

I then demanded he remove my phone number from his calling list. After a heated exchange of words, he refused to remove my number and then said he'd call me everyday and that if I put the phone down he would call me back within two minutes. After telling him that he was talking rubbish about the viruses, he eventually told me to 'get lost' at which point I actually started laughing at him. I then asked him waht his real name was and where he was from. He stated his name was John Morris and that he was born and raised in South Africa and now lived in Miami, Florida

I told him I'd talk to him some more about his personal life tomorrow when he rang back and that this first session of his therapy was now over, at which point he bid me good day and hung up........

They're certainly persistent if nothing else...


mrwibble - 10/9/11 at 05:38 PM

excellent, perhaps you could ask him what colour pants he's wearing tomorrow

spiderman01980 - 10/9/11 at 05:49 PM

Why the hell do they even bother, the wee taking thing about it is, that companies sell your details to these people which really should be classed as invading of privacy and should not sell your details, i`ve now noticed that they now get smart and now that people dont answer withheld or private numbers on their mobile so they call you with a number that you can see which makes it easier for my call blocker app on my blackberry to block it, shame you cant get those sort of apps on a house phone!

scudderfish - 10/9/11 at 05:49 PM

I had one of those once. She spent quite a while trying to explain to me to press the Windows key on my keyboard. Took a fair bit of effort on her part to figure out that the reason I couldn't find it was because I was actually using a Mac.

zilspeed - 10/9/11 at 06:06 PM

I asked them how many computers I had connected here and what OS they were running.
(At least one of them runs a version of linux, there's one on XP and tow on Vista. Then there's the phone which connects through the router as well.)

He went kind of quiet at that point.

After I spent a few minute calling him a liar, he eventually gave up.

rb968 - 10/9/11 at 06:32 PM

Frightenly, I had a mate who should know better call me last year at work having spent a fair while on the phone to a similar scam and was about to download and install some "anti-virus software" when he had second thoughts, chickened out and phoned me in a panic.

I guess they only need a few..........


snakebelly - 10/9/11 at 07:12 PM

had one of these a while ago, put the phone next to my iphone and played him the whole of black sabath masters of the universe........ he was paying for the call, he was gone when i eventually checked but maybe i educated him......

deltron63 - 10/9/11 at 07:59 PM

That's funny i had one last week. He told me my connection was slow and he could fix, so i tried to sell him some double glazing

[Edited on 10/9/11 by deltron63]

graememk - 10/9/11 at 10:35 PM


Peteff - 10/9/11 at 10:38 PM

If you keep saying hello they keep saying hello back to you. I got 12 hellos before he hung up on me

balidey - 10/9/11 at 10:40 PM

Christ Graeme, when I read it with my own eyes in the Free Press it wasn't that big

violentblue - 12/9/11 at 06:05 PM

they've called me a number of times, and I tell them I run Linux. they usually hang up pretty quick at that point.

Ninehigh - 12/9/11 at 06:49 PM

I often just "go along" with these people. It involves a lot of "ok, uh-huh, yeah" and when they ask me a question I make something up.

Then when I'd like to wrap it up I ask them if they know where I am, and how much is their calls to the Antartic

Sid - 25/11/11 at 05:31 AM

So I just got a call from these people and I want to give as much specification as possible. Actually during the call, when I asked for the name of the company, and they gave me Megabite Solutions, at which point I googled it and came across this post so I had to reply!

So I had to get as much information as possible, and it is definatly a scam!
Also more on this website:

So just like many I'm sure, the caller, which name I got was Shane Micman, who had a very think East Indian/Pakistani accent, and was apparently calling from Florida. He was asking to click on the "Start" menu and click on the "Run" program and type out "assoc".
He then tried to convince me that he was all legit by giving me my CLSID.

It's a very common scam that you can read about in this website:

Now, letting this Mr. Shane Micman leading me on, I tried to get more information and that's when I got a big jackpot - their phone number: 307-529-0607. It is a working phone number! In which I called numerous time and actually got to talk back with the caller!
I even got the name of his supervisor Marc Smith, which I also got to talk to.

The reason I know it is a scam is because of all the descrepancy in their story. From one of them, I had received a letter that was sent to me about 6 months ago, when the other said that the error was found 2 days ago. Now how is that possible? This is only one of the many scam clues I have gotten from them.

Since I've been played with, I started playing right back at them and calling back (we had 3 lovely conversations in which they felt compelled to hung up on me - yeah I can be that much of an a-hole !). But yeah I had them convinced to send me another letter explaining this whole issue, which they seem very reluctant to do. At the end of the last conversation I had with them, I finally got them to agree to send me another, which I will be checking very carefully to get but have doubts that I will be getting anytime soon.

Well that's it for me, I hope someone here will checking in detail on that phone number.
I freakin' hate scammers !

Ninehigh - 25/11/11 at 08:21 AM

Lets face it the only way they can know there's a virus on there is by putting it there themselves

Originally posted by Sid
I freakin' hate scammers !

Hope you love cars then

Minicooper - 25/11/11 at 01:22 PM

Talking to a friend last night his wife got suckered into paying £59 to clean the virus from the computers, she gave them access to all the computers in the house, he (Indian Chap) was working with the computers for 6 hours!

My concern is not that she paid them £59, but they now have credit card details and probably have keyloggers and all sorts installed on the computers now.

I have suggested he gets the computers independantly checked by a local specialist just in case
