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Can anyone provide vinyl stripes?
HOL - 18/11/09 at 11:58 AM

Im thinking of a nice silver triple stripe over the whole of my car, front to back to cover over some rear wheel carrier holes.

Does anyone on here work for a graphics company, before I start looking locally?


HOL - 18/11/09 at 12:01 PM

londonsean69 - 18/11/09 at 12:17 PM

Yes, Paul the 6th does vinyl cutting.

Not sure if he does stripes but worth an ask. Click the above link to see his profile, also has a link to his firm

Hope that helps


coozer - 18/11/09 at 12:17 PM

Send skippad a u2u, he, Dave may be able to help.

paul the 6th - 18/11/09 at 12:37 PM

Somebody called? (thanks for the name check sean )

We can supply stripes with application instructions - what colour were you thinking? Are you looking to cover the square panel in the centre? Feel free to give me a shout on u2u or e-mail if you have any questions...

We supplied & fitted these for richardk on "The Bruise":

HOL - 18/11/09 at 12:44 PM


Yes, that is the sort of thing I was after, and yes it is to cover the square plate on the back of the car, so the centre strip may need to be wider (and the outers to keep the proportion).

As the car is blue, I was thinking Silver.

Ill U2U you shortly.

andyharding - 18/11/09 at 01:13 PM

Blue with silver looks good IMHO but I am biased

Paint 5
Paint 5

londonsean69 - 18/11/09 at 07:13 PM

Originally posted by paul the 6th
Somebody called? (thanks for the name check sean )

I had a vision of this huge advertising avatar in my head, and spent a few minutes trying to remember who it was

paul the 6th - 19/11/09 at 09:23 PM

Originally posted by londonsean69
Originally posted by paul the 6th
Somebody called? (thanks for the name check sean )

I had a vision of this moderately sized/eye catchingly good/informative advertising avatar in my head, and spent a few minutes trying to remember who it was

amended for you thanks again though

HOL - 25/11/09 at 09:27 PM

Paul, you have U2U.
