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Soundwave_666 - 21/8/09 at 11:14 AM

I'm trying to figure out a reverse option for my Vortex. I had thought of the sprocket at the Diff with a starter motor, or somewhere along the prop shaft, but due to how the diff sits pushing in to the tunnel this doesn't seem to be an option. And well to put it bluntly I can't afford a reverse box and new prop shaft to fit it. Has anyone else managed to solve this and got any pics?


Dangle_kt - 21/8/09 at 11:31 AM

You could put the ring gear at the engine end, and build a starter motor system in the engine bay. I doubt r would be pretty, but it's the same idea just on the other end. Ab performance were going to put one on mine when I was considering iva. Mine has to be engine end as I run a live axle which moves.

paublo999 - 21/8/09 at 11:38 AM


I plan to do this over the winter and face the same problem as yourself. Early suggestions are to move the passenger seat forward and to use some of the space to hold a starter motor etc. Problem will still be the ring gear.

If you are near AB Perf you could take the car to Andy and he could suggest different ways of solving this issue. I am just too far away in Glasgow to consider this.


ReMan - 21/8/09 at 11:50 AM

Whats wrong with MNR's own reverse box?

Hector.Brocklebank - 21/8/09 at 11:55 AM

Originally posted by ReMan
Whats wrong with MNR's own reverse box?

erm..... the answer to that is in reading the question

Originally posted by Soundwave_666
And well to put it bluntly I can't afford a reverse box and new prop shaft to fit it.


paublo999 - 21/8/09 at 12:01 PM

The reverse box does look good, but as soundwave said, its the props etc that make it more expensive.

How big does the ring gear need to be?


richardh - 21/8/09 at 12:44 PM

i think the cost will be more worthwhile and usable in the long run.

did you not get a shortened prop from MNR

Soundwave_666 - 21/8/09 at 12:49 PM

this is my first build and I know next to nothing about how cars work so I don't think I'm too worried about an immaculate engine bay so long as it runs and passes IVA.

So you suggest putting the sprocket on the first part of the prop shaft that comes down on an angle in tot he centre tunnel? or still on the main part of propshaft that runs parrallel (this may cause prolems with the gear lever at that end).

Richard, I'm not sure if I have a shortened prop as I got the kit second hand as an unfinished project, is it possible to tell just from a pic? if so I will get one posted (I thought you only got that prop if you were getting it with the reverse box? (Ie the box is wider than the usualy bracket that holds the prop, and if you just have the bracket you can't use a shortened prop? I may be well off the mark here though)).

richardh - 21/8/09 at 01:01 PM

u2u sent

nitram38 - 21/8/09 at 01:24 PM

I think Russ Bost is selling a reverse kit. You could always send him a u2u.

Soundwave_666 - 21/8/09 at 01:29 PM

I' had a few probs uploading some pic (althought hey are all off the same camera, this should have an attachement to a pic of the prop, can anyone tell me if this will fit a reverse box? thanks

Soundwave_666 - 21/8/09 at 01:44 PM

second attempt at pic. If not then they are labelled prop and prop 2 in my photo archive

maximill666 - 21/8/09 at 05:02 PM

Thats a standard MNR 1 piece prop (splits in the middle for assembly/removal) which cannot be used with a reverse box

eznfrank - 21/8/09 at 05:30 PM

just out of interest has anyone actually got MNR's box yet?? When i wanted one i got the impression that they weren't really as ''ready'' as they first seemed.

richardh - 21/8/09 at 08:30 PM

ian b has one and so does at least one other - cant recall who though

Triggerhappy - 21/8/09 at 09:25 PM

Originally posted by eznfrank
just out of interest has anyone actually got MNR's box yet?? When i wanted one i got the impression that they weren't really as ''ready'' as they first seemed.

I got mine earlier this week, video and pic in last post here:

[Edited on 21/8/09 by Triggerhappy]