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Anyone zeroed a digital dash?
chris68 - 8/7/15 at 07:15 PM

Using the complete instrument pod from my donor MX5 in the SR2 and thought it would be great to be able to zero the odometer. My MK2 unit is a digital version - relatively easy I understand to reset the mechanical ones - not so sure about digi versions.

Anyone done it or know someone that does?

adithorp - 8/7/15 at 07:51 PM

Had my R1 dash reset by a local guy who mainly does radio decodes for us when customers have lost there security code.

Try googling "speedo/odometer correction" to find someone local.

jonabonospen - 8/7/15 at 07:51 PM

There are loads of places that can "adjust" mileage on digital clocks. I found a handful within a stones throw of me in Leeds so not much use to you, but sure it wouldnt be hard to find someone who has the gadget to plug it in to and get in the brain of the clocks to alter them.

rodgling - 8/7/15 at 09:52 PM

Buy / make a pulse generator (arduino + a tiny bit of software) and use that to make it think you are driving at 10,000 mph for a few hours until the counter wraps around to zero. A friend did this quite easily with his Atom (for legitimate reasons).

chris68 - 9/7/15 at 06:38 AM

Thanks guys,

Doing a search using those phrases found several places offering this service in my area.