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whats ur best crash?
mrwibble - 13/3/11 at 10:42 PM

nick205's thread got me thinking about driving incidents of note and wondered what everyones best crashes were.

i'll go first.

This happened in my brothers puma black which had had quite a lot of tinkering by the previous owner:

dual carriage way out of kiddy, down the bomb hole which kinks right then left up then over the hill, bro had been hitting the charlie all week in his new motor and was driving like a loon, he lost it coming up behind a vauxhall corsa, which we overtook backwards before passing infront (still backwards) at god knows what speed, prolly entered the spin at 80, before promptly turning upside down and flying down a bank narrowly missing lots of trees...

there was a big tree stump dent in on the drivers side roof, fortunately my brothers not any taller!

ReMan - 13/3/11 at 10:51 PM

Is there really such a thing as a best crash?
On an open forum?

Edited, comment was not meant to seem prudish, I have one of my own but ther was no other parties or influences involved

[Edited on 13/3/11 by ReMan]

RichardK - 13/3/11 at 10:52 PM

Rode up to a railway crossing barrier on my pretty new Suzuki RG400 Gamma, boot lace wrapped round gear lever over I went, couldn't get the thing off me for the life of me whilst burning my leg. Thankfully somebody heard my whimpering and helped get the bike off me.

Made an embarrassed retreat to go and bodge the fairing with some fiberglass.

Got shut soon after as the thing was constantly trying to think of different ways to kill me...



MakeEverything - 13/3/11 at 10:54 PM

Originally posted by ReMan
Is there really such a thing as a best crash?
On an open forum?

Beat me to it.

This is another one of those "my car wasnt taxed or insured, but i couldnt resist a quick blat to the pub" threads.

Ive had a few motorcycle offs - None serious fortunately - and i wouldnt call any of them "Best". Ive seen loads of accidents in my driving career, and quite a few fatalities.

daviep - 13/3/11 at 10:54 PM

Originally posted by mrwibble
nick205's thread got me thinking about driving incidents of note and wondered what everyones best crashes were.

i'll go first.

This happened in my brothers puma black which had had quite a lot of tinkering by the previous owner:

dual carriage way out of kiddy, down the bomb hole which kinks right then left up then over the hill, bro had been hitting the charlie all week in his new motor and was driving like a loon, he lost it coming up behind a vauxhall corsa, which we overtook backwards before passing infront (still backwards) at god knows what speed, prolly entered the spin at 80, before promptly turning upside down and flying down a bank narrowly missing lots of trees...

there was a big tree stump dent in on the drivers side roof, fortunately my brothers not any taller!

Personally I would have left out the bit about recreational drug abuse, doesn't really paint you or your brother in a very good light.

scottfraser - 13/3/11 at 11:31 PM

car joined dual carriageway from RH side doing 20. I was doing 50, so swerved round him so as not to hit, ended up fishtailing round the Muppet and firing off into a chain link fence and bouncing off a motorway sign. Ripped a wheel off the Volvo V40, and smashed most of the glass. Airbag to the face, hurt thumbs, and eyes that had to be washed out...

All in all a pretty rubbish start to the day especially considering I'd resigned from the company who's car I was driving on the Friday & this was the Monday!

carpmart - 14/3/11 at 12:02 AM

Originally posted by daviep
Originally posted by mrwibble
nick205's thread got me thinking about driving incidents of note and wondered what everyones best crashes were.

i'll go first.

This happened in my brothers puma black which had had quite a lot of tinkering by the previous owner:

dual carriage way out of kiddy, down the bomb hole which kinks right then left up then over the hill, bro had been hitting the charlie all week in his new motor and was driving like a loon, he lost it coming up behind a vauxhall corsa, which we overtook backwards before passing infront (still backwards) at god knows what speed, prolly entered the spin at 80, before promptly turning upside down and flying down a bank narrowly missing lots of trees...

there was a big tree stump dent in on the drivers side roof, fortunately my brothers not any taller!

Personally I would have left out the bit about recreational drug abuse, doesn't really paint you or your brother in a very good light.


carpmart - 14/3/11 at 12:02 AM

Originally posted by daviep
Originally posted by mrwibble
nick205's thread got me thinking about driving incidents of note and wondered what everyones best crashes were.

i'll go first.

This happened in my brothers puma black which had had quite a lot of tinkering by the previous owner:

dual carriage way out of kiddy, down the bomb hole which kinks right then left up then over the hill, bro had been hitting the charlie all week in his new motor and was driving like a loon, he lost it coming up behind a vauxhall corsa, which we overtook backwards before passing infront (still backwards) at god knows what speed, prolly entered the spin at 80, before promptly turning upside down and flying down a bank narrowly missing lots of trees...

there was a big tree stump dent in on the drivers side roof, fortunately my brothers not any taller!

Personally I would have left out the bit about recreational drug abuse, doesn't really paint you or your brother in a very good light.


Mr Whippy - 14/3/11 at 07:55 AM

Waiting to turn right on an A road in my ford Orion and got rear-end by a car towing a caravan. That shunt pushed my car into the on coming traffic and a Granada ploughed through the side of the car and spun mine right off the road about 30ft from where I had been. Very sore and the passenger wall hit me in the side it came in so much. Friends were stunned I'd even survived that one not much left of little car afterwords though I was glad I'd repaired the sills earlier

Most embarrassing was when I was driving a double Decker, had to back up to let another bus passed, looked in the mirror saw nothing, so reversed. Seemed a bit of drag but not much and thought it was just the drum brakes working in reverse. Turned out it was a Saab being pushed backwards several car lengths. Caved in the busses engine cover though the car was remarkably untouched and the woman driver was fine about it but I had quite a job explaining that one to my supervisor

[Edited on 14/3/11 by Mr Whippy]

ed1801 - 14/3/11 at 08:46 AM

I had one which was scary at the time but funny looking back.

I was in 6th form and I was out for a drive with this girl, we hadn't hit it off yet, but it looked like it would happen imminently. I lived in deepest darkest wales at the time and it was a foggy night and she was tearing along these back roads, obviously showing off to me. She turned down a single track lane and was still going way too fast, at this point I began to get a bit scared and told her to slow down.

At that moment a 90° right hander came up - literally a right angle in the road. However, it had 20 ft or so of farm track which went straight on up to a farm gate. It kind of looked like the road just carried on straight, and in the fog it would be easy to mistake this. So there we are coming up on this farm track at 50 ish - I realised at this point that she had not seen the bend at all so shouted "STOP!" - she had only been driving a few weeks, panicked and hit the accelerator!

We bumped up this farm track and hit the farmyard gate - it folded downwards, but only to about 30°, basically becoming a massive ramp. We absolutely flew! Because she had her foot on the gas it immediately hit the limiter and we soared through the air dukes of hazard style bouncing of the limiter.

There was a massive crunch as we hit the ground in a field, bounced once, and then slid to a stop at least 50 meters from the gate.

The next thing she said was "My mum's going to kill me" having trashed her mother's brand new fiesta.

Looking back it is absolutely hilarious, at the time I thought I was about to die! Oh, her mother did absolutely kill her, and me - she knew what we were up to out in the middle of nowhere at night

phelpsa - 14/3/11 at 08:51 AM

Ran into the back of a Clio doing 5mph when it stopped on a roundabout and I didnt see it.

3 claims for whiplash

Mr Whippy - 14/3/11 at 09:05 AM

Originally posted by phelpsa
Ran into the back of a Clio doing 5mph when it stopped on a roundabout and I didnt see it.

3 claims for whiplash

Had this too, got a phone call out the blue months after the incident from an insurance company saying I was getting sued for 22k in whiplash injuries after bumping into the back of a car on a roundabout. I just said I'd only bent his exhaust pipe, my car was totally fixed the same day and I wasn't even wearing a seat belt and I was just fine (all true) so he was obviously just at it. Never heard anything more about it. Some people are just crooks. There's no way you can get whiplash at 5mph anyway, I wish the insurance companies were more sensible

[Edited on 14/3/11 by Mr Whippy]

AndyGT - 14/3/11 at 09:35 AM

Originally posted by Mr Whippy
Originally posted by phelpsa
Ran into the back of a Clio doing 5mph when it stopped on a roundabout and I didnt see it.

3 claims for whiplash

Had this too, got a phone call out the blue months after the incident from an insurance company saying I was getting sued for 22k in whiplash injuries after bumping into the back of a car on a roundabout. I just said I'd only bent his exhaust pipe, my car was totally fixed the same day and I wasn't even wearing a seat belt and I was just fine (all true) so he was obviously just at it. Never heard anything more about it. Some people are just crooks. There's no way you can get whiplash at 5mph anyway, I wish the insurance companies were more sensible

[Edited on 14/3/11 by Mr Whippy]

+1 with a clio too!!

but mine was a girl that entered the roundabout, in front of me, after giving way! I did too, give way, but on accellerating out I glanced in front of me and she had decided her space in traffic wasn't big enough. I hit the hankers and had a dented bumper. New clio was bent a lot more. As you say: "sued for x-thousand in whiplash injuries after bumping into the back of a car". In 3 secs I managed to accellerate and brake again locking up the front wheels (in a Yugo 45!! ) and crash!!! Whiplash? My arse!!!

I prefer talking about nearest accidents rather than actual accidents. I haven't had any other accidents!!

Mr Whippy, on my first driving test I was told to not turn the wheels when waiting to turn for the exact reason you stated re. the caravan/Granada. For some reason it frightened the poo out of me and have never done it. Thanks for the reminder!!! Glad to see you are still around to "laugh" about it!! Could have been a lot worse!!

loggyboy - 14/3/11 at 09:52 AM

I squished my 3rd Nova quite nicely. I was passing stationary traffic on a dual carridgeway that was queing to enter the slip road due to road works. A lady decieded she didnt want to queue anymore, pulled out and left me know where to go! Sadly I got blamed partially thanks to a female copper who didnt like 'boy racers' in novas (despite me being 28!). Along with a female witness saying the lady pulled out about '30 seconds' before I hit her. The magistrates ignored the witness who said he was right behind the lady who pulled out, who said she was stationary one second, he looked in his mirror to pull out, saw me and obviously waited, then looked forward and in those few seconds shed pulled out!
The result was me imbedding me Nova in the rear of a Polo doing 5-10mph at about 50-60mph. Considering it was an 'unsafe' 70s designed hatch back with no air bags I think it faired quite well, I just got a mark from the seat belt and a cut on my nose from the steering wheel:

swanny - 14/3/11 at 10:55 AM

driving in some frankly appalling conditions in the peak district a couple of winters ago in a rover 75.

thick snow everywhere, and the hill we needed to get up to get back to accomodation unpassable.
ended up after a mammoth journey driving through loads of little villages making an alternative way back. at about 10-15 mph downhill lost all grip, through a village, and slalommed through the first three corners, narrowly missing cars on all side, while our little boy slept in the back. still couldnt get any speed off, getting steeper downhill and finally saw a bend i knew we couldnt get round. told wife that we were going to hit the dry stone wall, rear end first, and braced for impact.

big bang, (that got the speed off) and brought car to a halt further gown hill. feeling sick, got out to inspect damage only to see nothing. alloy wheel had hit snow covered kerb and we avoided stone wall by about 2 inches.

the best kind of crash, where it all seemed a bit scary but nothing too much happened. one year old boy slept through all of it. car left with 3 inch scuff on alloy, but no other problems.

cd.thomson - 14/3/11 at 11:30 AM

mrwibble - 14/3/11 at 11:32 AM

Originally posted by carpmart
Originally posted by daviep
Originally posted by mrwibble
nick205's thread got me thinking about driving incidents of note and wondered what everyones best crashes were.

i'll go first.

This happened in my brothers puma black which had had quite a lot of tinkering by the previous owner:

dual carriage way out of kiddy, down the bomb hole which kinks right then left up then over the hill, bro had been hitting the charlie all week in his new motor and was driving like a loon, he lost it coming up behind a vauxhall corsa, which we overtook backwards before passing infront (still backwards) at god knows what speed, prolly entered the spin at 80, before promptly turning upside down and flying down a bank narrowly missing lots of trees...

there was a big tree stump dent in on the drivers side roof, fortunately my brothers not any taller!

Personally I would have left out the bit about recreational drug abuse, doesn't really paint you or your brother in a very good light.


i wasn';t condoning it, i didn't know at the time, and haven't spoken to him for over a year, but thats not say you can keep your opinions about me or my brother till you actually meet me... but perhaps i should of put best/worse crash in the title.

ehem, for all those who entered into the spirit on entertaining and hopefully not too painful stories thanks, you brightened my day a little.

[Edited on 14/3/11 by mrwibble]

[Edited on 14/3/11 by mrwibble]

MikeCapon - 14/3/11 at 11:37 AM

A long while ago I competed in stage rallies up to International level. A sweet young girl I'd been doing my best to impress was really interested and to try and win her over I entered a local, single venue rally with her as co-driver, which she'd never done before.

The rally was a tarmac event at Wilbarston, a venue I (thought I) knew well. The young lady was doing really well reading the pace notes perfectly but as I knew the stages well I was having fun and not really listening to her.

I'll always remember her calling, "200, hairpin right" and my replying,"It's not a hairpin it's a 90 right".

It was a hairpin Clipped the inside trying to get the car round at least 20mph too fast and rolled, fairly slowly, onto the roof.

"What do I do now?" she asked, hanging upside down in the harness, broken glass all over the shop. "Undo the harness" I replied.

You've no idea what a surprise it is to suddenly fall on your head when you turn the buckle.

We got the car back on it's wheels and finished the stage, and the rally. Third in class, Spirit of the Rally award and, strangely enough I was instantly forgiven

:{THC}:YosamiteSam - 14/3/11 at 11:48 AM

does a double barrel roll off an embankment count? flipped the rush after hitting a deer which ripped off the right front wheel - sent us thro a road sign - gorse bushes - then a sideways flip over - twice without touch the ground - was 'airy' then dusty - then bitey - went thro a horse fly nest or summink.. got eaten alive when we landed. had deer skin wedged in the tyre bead without letting the air out!!! was only the size of bambi laid in the grass further back up the road when i eventually found what we had hit. so small and squidged.. scared my wife so much she wont even sit in the westy now even in the garage. very lucky we didnt get beheaded by the deer coming over the scuttle into our heads, or simply landing on the top of the car upside down, if anyones familiar with the rush the roll bar? is diagonal.. just does nowt really.. sad day. my car died to save us.

Yazza54 - 14/3/11 at 12:04 PM


To this

A year wasted rebuilding the thing because some complete and utter cock just pulled out without looking. I swerved onto the other side to try and go round him but he hit the back and spun me round ripping the back clam and a full corner off. Hurt too. He pulled out literally right infront of me, no time to stop. If I tried to stop I would most certainly have hit him head on, scary as the Libra would probably have crumpled.

I now understand why lots of people drive with their sidelights on to be seen.

[Edited on 14/3/11 by Yazza54]

smart51 - 14/3/11 at 12:05 PM

A friend of mine was driving his new corsa down a lane to a ford that had floodded the previous day. The mud was so deep that he didn't make the 90° turn and crashed through a gate into a field, knocking 3 corners of the car on the posts. The posts were concrete filled steel. (I guessed it had happened before!). He got out and looked at the car saying "at least there's one corner undamaged" as the gate swung shut on the undamaged corner.

mrwibble - 14/3/11 at 12:08 PM

Originally posted by Yazza54

A year wasted rebuilding the thing because some complete and utter cock just pulled out without looking. I swerved onto the other side to try and go round him but he hit the back and spun me round ripping the back clam and a full corner off. Hurt too.

wow that thing looked shiny too! what was/is it?>

Fozzie - 14/3/11 at 12:09 PM

Thread now closed .......

Although the subject matter is ok......

Reference to drugs and driving is not, under any circumstances, acceptable............
