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Too many cars, not enough time/money!
bitsilly - 21/3/11 at 07:05 PM

I have just been drooling on Pistonheads.
Does everyone lust over having loads of cars? Is it natural?
I got upset today as I broke a tooth and had to pay £58 to get it sorted, I worry when my kids go on trips with school and have to pay for the privilage, council tax, don't ask!!
But looking on PH I found a lightweight original mini for £13K. a bike powered Riot for £10K and a gsxr buggy for £7.5.
I would buy them all if I could even though they are stupid money!
Why oh why did I not get interested in collecting book matches, or toothpicks, or beermats?
Is there a pill available, or some Men in Black thingy to just let one be happy owning enough socks?
Actually, maybe I should be asking this on the Greenpeace site, suspect there may be a few here in the same boat!!
Hang in there, you are not alone!

Benzine - 21/3/11 at 07:24 PM

I found a way of having many cars, I started to like cars that most people would think are awful It's not that I chose to like cheap/obscure/ugly cars, I genuinely would rather have, say, a £200 trabant over a modern supercar (srsly)

If you want to feel better about your recent dental bill, I snapped half a front tooth off and had root canal work, £780 ^_^

bitsilly - 21/3/11 at 07:46 PM

£780, cripes, yep I feel better.
That would pay for my first ten cars!

stevegough - 21/3/11 at 08:07 PM

Fed up to the back teeth with dental bills.......

......but just look at me teef!!

stevegough - 21/3/11 at 08:09 PM

Originally posted by stevegough
Fed up to the back teeth with dental bills.......

......but just look at me teef!!

Seriously, though - I (and I suspect many others on here ) know exactly what you mean - and I bet you do the lottery, don't you!

carpmart - 21/3/11 at 08:27 PM

I've the same problem as the OP as I lust after lots of cars.

TimC - 21/3/11 at 09:03 PM

I can't see the point in you getting a 'lightweight' Mini Mate.

bitsilly - 21/3/11 at 09:47 PM

Otherwise I couldn't let you come for a ride in it bud!

alistairolsen - 22/3/11 at 09:16 AM

I enthuse about cheap crap so find the time more of an issue than the money but I currently have 4 in various states of build/disrepair and Have just put my house in the market....