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Mud Plugger / Rock Crawler
zilspeed - 1/5/12 at 02:08 PM

Before we start, I'll fully expect that soemone has already linked to this vehicle.
So, I'll apologise before we start.

I'm not a 4x4 owner nor what you might call a huge enthusiast, but this sort of thing always gets the creative juices going.

They say that axle articulation is important on off road matters, I think he hits the sport with what he's achieved here.

Long thread, but lots to see.
Build / mod link

Steve Hignett - 1/5/12 at 02:17 PM

I am the same as you Zil - Not an owner, and never got round to buying a 4x4 but always wanted one, and whilst going a million miles an hour on track (2 or 4 wheels) does turn me on - I've alsy got a real hankering for the (proper) off roading that guys n girls get up to...

And yes, that looks ace!!!

Gonna start reading now!

nick205 - 1/5/12 at 03:24 PM

Ditto - I've looked at these before and been quite intrigued. Within the realms of a self-build and obviously fun to use.

One observation though is where people use them. From what I've read and seen (YouTube) these are popular in the US and places like Iceland where space, terrain, regulation (or lack of) etc. allow them to be used. There's not many places in the UK you could use these without people objecting.

AllWeatherDan - 1/5/12 at 03:26 PM

Hi All,

I have a Disco and there are plenty of Pay and Play sites around the country!

Bala in north Wales is AWESOME


zilspeed - 1/5/12 at 03:38 PM

Axle articulation really is completely off the scale with this.

Light, efficient, effective.

[Edited on 1/5/12 by zilspeed]

fha772 - 1/5/12 at 04:26 PM

I built a bigger version of this type of thing about 15-16 years ago, that had Unimog axles under it, and 52" tyres.

I've got most of the parts to build another 1 soon...

flibble - 1/5/12 at 04:39 PM

That's quite an awesome little beastie, quite fancy one as I used to enjoy a bit of (light) offroading.
This thread sent me on a offroading YouTube spree and thought this clip was cool, the vehicle in it is nowhere near as interesting as it's fairly standard, just thought the bloke did well to not panic

R1_striker - 1/5/12 at 07:05 PM

i need a sj!!!