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McLaren MP4-12C passenger ride....
pewe - 1/6/12 at 11:47 AM

Guys, I just have to share this one.
Last night No1 son's mate gave him a lift home.
He's arrived in various tasty motors before but this time in a fricking MacLaren!!!
Unable to contain myself I asked (well actually grovelled) to be taken for a ride.
Over the years I driven and been driven in some pretty fast cars but this was absolutely and totally unbelievable.
What the stats don't tell you (IIRC 600bhp. 0-60 in 3.3 secs) is that your brain can't keep up.
It's total sensory over-load and levels of acceleration and grip (going cold just thinking about it) which defy belief.
So seems like the F27 and all others are now going to seem slow - only consolation is that it cost nowhere near £230k.
Still pinching myself...
Cheers, Pewe10

mcerd1 - 1/6/12 at 11:55 AM

^^ go for a drive in a tractor next

once you've spent a few hours flat out in one of them (i.e. 20mph) your F27 will feel like its going at warp 10

[Edited on 1/6/2012 by mcerd1]

maccmike - 1/6/12 at 12:03 PM

you jammy git!!
The best Iv done is a Mc SLR racing car with Rob Huff.
I live near Mclaren show room in knutsford and passing it the other week, 2 went past me, one driven by one fit ass blondy.
I love 'em, could sound bit better tho - emissions eh!?

Daddylonglegs - 1/6/12 at 12:04 PM

Bar Steward!!

Even better, take Granny's electric car out for a tootle around the shops (in 'tortoise' mode of course), then get back in the F27

AllWeatherDan - 1/6/12 at 12:30 PM

Tractors arent all that bad!

I have a tractor engine in my CAT E1

balidey - 1/6/12 at 01:12 PM

You are VERY lucky.

I don't give anyone passenger rides in mine

James - 1/6/12 at 03:16 PM

Lucky you!

Managed to get a very brief ride in an SLR but although I've seen about 20 MP4-12Cs I've never managed to get in one!

Even so, if you the 12C was quick... wait till the new car comes out. Successor to the F1 it's meant to have about 800bhp or something.


Mr C - 1/6/12 at 04:19 PM

An SLR for me as well, in fact two at the same time for my son and I, the full monty at Mercedes World, sideways, the lot, at a Piston Heads Sunday Service.

Ivan - 1/6/12 at 04:28 PM

You lucky so & so - modern super cars are a whole new experience - they are just so competent and brutal even with granny mode switched on and completely predictable - they are an experience not easily forgotten.

Their one big down side is finding somewhere to play on public roads where you won't constantly put your licence or freedom at risk. Must be very frustrating to own. They really do make a mockery of speed restrictions as I am convinced that in terms of swerving ability and stopping distances they are as safe doing 160kph as a normal tin top doing 120 (except for closing speed dangers) yet if you did that in South Africa you would end up in jail.

The other big down side of them is that you have to be stingy about using them as anything more that a few thousand miles per year really knocks their trade in or resale value.

[Edited on 1/6/12 by Ivan]

metro6r4 - 1/6/12 at 06:17 PM

if you worry about trade in or resale you wouldn't buy one

Steve Hignett - 1/6/12 at 08:25 PM

Originally posted by metro6r4
if you worry about trade in or resale you wouldn't buy one

I know a couple of people that wouldn't agree with you there...
Granted their garages are so full of supercar's that they can afford to choose between 7 or 8 supercars, but for daily driving and the school run, both of them happen to pile the miles on the same car - the Porsche Panamera!

Ivan - 2/6/12 at 07:33 AM

^^^^ A quick glance at the second hand adds will show that for most of the exotic cars (Porsche not included) very few have high mileage which means that most buyers do use more mundane cars for their routine trips and save the exotics for special occasions. And this is my experience of the few exotic car owners I know who are very aware of the mileage they are putting on the clock.