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where is my motivation???
AndyW - 9/4/13 at 08:57 PM

Hi all,

Since 1st March I have been on a health kick to get myself in shape. Lost over a stone since then simply by being careful what I eat and going for a bike ride most nights. I'm really keen on this and am loving the results. Weight loss, healthier, fitter, BUT.......

I have not been in the garage for a month. I went out to the garage tonight, looked around a bit, locked it all up again then went for a 6 mile bike ride.

I'm so close to the finish it's ridiculous, I mean these are the jobs I need to do to finish:
1) Bleed brakes
2) Fit speedo sensor
3) Re-fit passenger tunnel side
4) Re-fit passenger seat.
5) One bolt to O/S brake caliper
6) Fit fuel sender unit into tank.
7) Bit of trim here and there.
8) Fit cat and exhaust silencer

So here is the question, why can I not be bothered to do anything?? I can't wait to get her IVA'd and get it on the road, I mean that's what the goal is...........AAAAARRRRRRGGGGGHHHHHH

Anyone else had this, so close yet so far???

Rant over. Feel better. Now get on and finish the bl()()dy car.....

redeye - 9/4/13 at 09:13 PM

If its motivation you need, Get yourself into someones completed car....nothing better for motivation.

Im in Northampton so not a million miles away, happy to take you for a spin if it helps at all.


Furyblade_Lee - 9/4/13 at 09:20 PM

We have all been there.... I remember having a big push to get my Furyblade fired up, no cooling plumbed in etc, and after hearing it rev for 10 seconds I switched it off and felt smug. Then depressed at the dozens of little jobs needed to actually finish the car, they seemed never ending. But they do end, trust me, just keep plugging away. I was lucky in that I had several mechanically skilled mates who have never worked on a kit before and my secret weapon was Gordon Griffin who lives 15 mins away and had a finshed similar car. The mates offered help out of curiosity and Gordon because he is just a good guy. A good tip is if you can invite a mate over to do a couple of hours together, get a few beers in and get stuck in. If its cold, wet or something good on TV it is all to easy to get sidetracked and not do any work. If a friend is with you there is more chance of some work getting done! You sound very near to finishing, good luck an just do it!

nick205 - 9/4/13 at 09:20 PM

White board in the garage, list the jobs and tick them off one by one.

Book and pay for the IVA as well so you have a set finish date, nothing like the risk of losing money to focus the mind

daniel mason - 9/4/13 at 09:50 PM

ive personally been there ob both fronts. i love ttraining and working on the car but used to train 6 days a week. now i do 3 days a week but with better programming.(wendler strength plus daily crossfit each time) and im in better shape than ever. im stronger and fitter and have 4 days to work on the car if necessary. rest,diet and sleep are far more important than training so dont think flogging yourself on the bike 7 dayts a week will do you more good than an intense ride followed by a night it wont. good luck with both

steve m - 9/4/13 at 09:59 PM

My motivation has gone as well

my car is insured, and MOT'd till october, and is engineless, since i took out the crap xflow i bought last year
My new(old original engine) is rebuilt and on the bench, waiting to be fitted, but i can not be arsed to put it back in the 7

I, and a few others think this lack of motivation, is a winters blues thing, and when the sun comes out, perhaps i will get back into the garage

But, perhaps, i wont, and save alll the hassle and waste of money running a toy for a few hundred miles a year, in shite weather, like last year


RK - 9/4/13 at 10:12 PM

I am sorry for you guys, but sorrier for myself. I don't know what the answer is, but having people around to help out is a big one, I think. I can't help thinking that after all the money and time, I have a pile of shite worth next to nothing, and always needing more and more and more work. Snap out of it!

splitrivet - 9/4/13 at 10:20 PM

Feeling perishingly cold for what seems like the last 6 months doesnt exactly make you want to go into a freezing garage, thats my excuse and I'm sticking to it.

40inches - 10/4/13 at 07:49 AM

Been there on more than one occasion,longest was 18 months, perfectly normal as far as I can see.
As said, pin up a check list and tick the jobs off. I resolved to do at least one item a week, worked for me.
I should say that the MK was just about ready for IVA a year ago, I contracted a bad strain of cantfinishititus, I was doing the same
things two or three times before I was happy.
All good now, waiting for test appointment

Dangle_kt - 10/4/13 at 09:14 AM

Buy a crate of beer, and a few packs of bacon and have a "topping out" session at yours with some local locosters, or some like minded mates.

A full afternoon-early evening session will be nicely paced for everyone, and you will get it done as well as have some detailed scrutiny prior to your IVA.

I didn't have any really local lads, and none of my mates have a clue about kits - so I took the other option:

I booked the SVA test in, then i HAD to get it ready.

Worked a treat!

[Edited on 10/4/13 by Dangle_kt]

Vindi_andy - 10/4/13 at 11:11 AM

As has been said book the test, nothing like a hard deadline for making you finish.

I was in the same boat I totally lost my inspiration then the SVA/IVA change cam about and I wanted to get in before IVA so booked the test and that was before the car had even run under its own steam.

From first drive of naked chassis to finished and SVA passed first time in just under 3 months. They were a few pucker moments in that 3 months when I thought I would never get done but a couple of visits from other builders restored my confidence and faith I would get done.

Rosco - 10/4/13 at 11:40 AM

We've all been there as you can see from other responses. My build is getting close as well and this helps, but for me the secret appears to be to set aside reasonable chuncks of time to dedicate to it, say a minimum of 3-4hours time slots for a couple of days. This way I can see real progress, feel pleased with myself and get confident that I will finish it evertually. If I just go in the garage for the odd hour I spend most of that time trying to remember where I got to last time, don't achieve anything new and just get really peed off - often resulting in me not being able to look at it again for a week or two.

theduck - 10/4/13 at 12:51 PM

Book the IVA and get it done!

motorcycle_mayhem - 10/4/13 at 02:57 PM

The grey, depressing and cold nature of life on the overpriced Septic Isle won't have helped. That's my experience anyway.

I'm there too. I have completed my R1oT BEC conversion (the old CVH now a distant memory). It's all wired, running, requires virtually no work to get it finished and down the MoT station. Thing is, the motorsport season has now started, so this now takes all my time and energy (prepare race car, transport race car, run race car, break race car, fix race car......) Motivation and time to complete the R1oT is non existent, hell I've contemplated selling it to get it out of the way. Accept the facts.

Thing is, it's doing what is right and what lights your fire at the current time, now. The care home is full of people who had plans...

me! - 10/4/13 at 04:21 PM

I recently got mine going again after a year or so's pi$$ing about, admittedly not a build + IVA. I've done a few hundred miles or so already, and it's bloody great. I strongly suggest you ask someone to take you out in one, it'll give you the motivation to get yours done. I felt like you several times, and there is still a ton of jobs to get it the way I want, but I can now take it for a drive after I've done each one :-)

You and a mate could get most of those jobs jobbed in an afternoon. Book the IVA, get the beers in and crack on!!

(I appreciate I come across as an annoying tw@ in this post- I don't mean to. And congrats on losing the weight, cycling is ace!)

big_wasa - 10/4/13 at 06:26 PM

I just wish I had the time for motivation

I started the year on a health kick and was doing well. Work was busy.

Now work is stupid busy and the health kick went out of the window, I don't stand a chance in hell of getting the car near an iva center any time soon.

But I will get one track day done this summer if it kills me.