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Want a tip for a Christmas gift?
Mr Whippy - 4/11/09 at 09:29 AM

Its Missy’s birthday tomorrow and I’ve been testing her present to make sure its definitely working Got her an e-book Sony reader, tbh I’d never even seen one till it arrived in the post. But WOW! For those who haven’t yet had a go all I can say is it’s like the difference between an old walkman with a single tape and an I-pod, no kidding.

It even came with 100 classic books, all which loaded on to it using the standard books memory, no SD card even required. There’s enough on there to keep me occupied for the next 10 years at least, though I think I might give War & Peace a miss, looks very long, currently I'm ½ way through Moby Dick (actually quite good)

Go on the web and just type free e-books and you come across online sites, each with around 25,000 titles to download for nothing . It even holds and plays music through headphones like an I-pod so you can sit there reading listening to some soothing rock

Kind of wish I’d asked for one for Christmas now (getting a car sprayed instead!) as I’ll have to ‘borrow’ hers when she’s not looking, god its ½ a year till my birthday bummer

Anyway if you’re looking for a nice present for someone or yourself I would really recommend one


Benzine - 4/11/09 at 10:06 AM

e-books are for people who can't face reality

Mr Whippy - 4/11/09 at 10:26 AM

Originally posted by Benzine
e-books are for people who can't face reality

Cryptic as usual

Benzine - 4/11/09 at 10:33 AM

Just joshin' There's a certain romance about an actual book. That new book smell, that used book smell, the gentle caressing of the pages as they are tickled over, the humourous bookmark, and of course people can look at my books on my shelf and think "he's clearly awesome, this chap, I want to know more about him and subscribe to his newsletter"

paul the 6th - 4/11/09 at 11:10 AM

Originally posted by Benzine
e-books are for people who can't face reality

"...and kellogs crunchy nut is just frosties for wankers" - peep show

how big is the screen/text size? I always imagine the experience to be like reading the worlds longest text message constantly scrolling down etc..

[Edited on 4/11/09 by paul the 6th]

Benzine - 4/11/09 at 11:11 AM

<3 peep show

balidey - 4/11/09 at 11:46 AM

Can you back-up the ebooks, any way of say printing the pages to store them as a nice paper based document?

I had a similar discussion with a mate who had thousands of mp3 tracks on his PC and he wanted to back them up. So we decided the best solution was to burn them onto a silver optical disc.

stevec - 4/11/09 at 11:47 AM

Originally posted by paul the 6th

"...and kellogs crunchy nut is just frosties for wankers" - peep show

[Edited on 4/11/09 by paul the 6th]


Mr Whippy - 4/11/09 at 11:59 AM

Originally posted by paul the 6th

how big is the screen/text size? I always imagine the experience to be like reading the worlds longest text message constantly scrolling down etc..

the screen automatically re-adjusts the text to fit the screen, no scrolling at all is required and it simply increases the number of pages. You have 3 font sizes which as you select them it again changes the number of pages. All you ever need to do is press page forward or backwards button to read.

Very easy on the eye to read, even in sunlight. It isn’t backlit like an LED display and is visible just as an ordinary book page would be, plus it only used power to change the display, so battery life is around 2 weeks constant use. It takes about 1hr to charge, also runs and charges on USB power.

Mr Whippy - 4/11/09 at 12:02 PM

Originally posted by balidey
Can you back-up the ebooks, any way of say printing the pages to store them as a nice paper based document?

I had a similar discussion with a mate who had thousands of mp3 tracks on his PC and he wanted to back them up. So we decided the best solution was to burn them onto a silver optical disc.

no different to a PDF (most are in that format) and you can store any type of file on the machine just the same as a flash memory card. I have all my MP3 files and the current e-books on a stand alone hard drive and the works network server. You can also download e-books onto a laptop for viewing there if you like.

David Jenkins - 4/11/09 at 12:06 PM

Originally posted by Mr Whippy
occupied for the next 10 years at least, though I think I might give War & Peace a miss, looks very long,

"I took a speed reading course and read 'War and Peace' in twenty minutes. It involves Russia. " (Woody Allen)

Mr Whippy - 4/11/09 at 12:44 PM

Originally posted by Benzine
Just joshin' There's a certain romance about an actual book. That new book smell, that used book smell, the gentle caressing of the pages as they are tickled over, the humourous bookmark, and of course people can look at my books on my shelf and think "he's clearly awesome, this chap, I want to know more about him and subscribe to his newsletter"

Well you have to take into account what its for, or as just like an I-pod and MP3 format it’s really about portability rather than aesthetics.

An e-book will hold a library worth of books, manuals and texts (does take two flash cards), your music, your photo’s and anything else you care to stick on it, all without putting on an ounce or being larger than a small thin hardback. It's a lot easier to carry on holiday than a breeze block copy of War & Peace.

MikeRJ - 4/11/09 at 01:13 PM

Been thinking about getting the Amazon Kindle for my wife, not really looked at the Sonys.

I have to admit I do prefer real books, but I can totally see the advantage of an ebook reader, not least of which is the space that books take. Losing or breaking it would be my main worry though, books are pretty tough.