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European City Guide Scam - for small business owner
Jasper - 4/11/09 at 02:17 PM

About 2 months ago I got what looked like a form to include you in a European City Guide book. I get these every now and again, and mostly they just want to confirm your details for a free entry.

Stupidly on my part I didn't read the small print, which says (on closer inspection) that you will be billed for 997 Euro to be included.

So they sent me an invoice for 997 euro and a copy of the signed form. So, apart from feeling a total idiot for not fully reading something I signed, I have spent an anxious 24hrs worried about if I'm legally buggered so to speak.

Luckily for me they are known scammers, have been on Watchdog and are well known to the Federation of Small Businesses. Seems that they have never actually taken anybody to court for the money, they just keep threatening it for ages.

So, luckily it looks like I got away with this one, so just wanted to warn others.

paul the 6th - 4/11/09 at 02:22 PM

send them a made up sort code & acc number

Mr Whippy - 4/11/09 at 02:27 PM

sounds like someone should just burn them to the ground

a link on the subject linky

[Edited on 4/11/09 by Mr Whippy]

adithorp - 4/11/09 at 03:09 PM

Yep, I get them as well and file them under "B for bin".

Watch out for the ones supposedly asking for adverts for charity booklets. They will actually produce a charity booklet/magazine/newsletter, but thier agreement with the charity is to sell them
the the booklets at a discount; they pocket the advertising revenue. The salesman will make out he's working for the charity but actually works for the printers. Usually McMillan Publishing or one of it's subsiduary firms.


skydivepaul - 4/11/09 at 04:48 PM

we used to get loads of calls form people stating they were from

Police, government, council etc telling you that they will include you in a directory. most of these have no affiliation with the authorities and get very pushy when you tell them you are not interested.

they get very upset when you tell them to f**k off as well

one of the lads in our office fell for a government contracts scheme, where they send you tenders and sals leads via email. he signed up for a free trial but if you didnt cancel within the time period you were charged £1200.00 for the year. always READ THE SMALL PRINT

we ended up settling on £200.00


austin man - 4/11/09 at 09:02 PM

My company was also billed by them at least the price has come down I think they are based in Madrid if I recall correctly send them an email cancelling we didnt get billed or hear anything more