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Dont try this at home
mangogrooveworkshop - 27/8/10 at 05:40 PM

Daily motion link

Air bags and pranking them is going to get some one hurt

steve m - 27/8/10 at 05:44 PM

That must of hurt, assuming its real

BATHO - 27/8/10 at 05:49 PM

Sh*t i didn't realise the power of them things

speedyxjs - 27/8/10 at 05:51 PM


russbost - 27/8/10 at 05:53 PM

If that is for real - it's not funny it's bl**dy stupid, if it's NOT real it's still just as stupid because it puts the idea into some cretins head that it's funny - I can't believe that the guys are laughing at it - if someone else tries this then someone will get killed!
Seriously unclever!

ReMan - 27/8/10 at 06:20 PM

Funny, but as said that amount of power is frightningly dangerous!
Hopefully this is seen and not copied as I am sure there are many who have no idea and try it with less luck

mangogrooveworkshop - 27/8/10 at 06:33 PM

Originally posted by BATHO
Sh*t i didn't realise the power of them things

Watch the recoil when this guy is blown uplink

At least a knackered spine

JoelP - 27/8/10 at 06:37 PM

darwin award going out there, that must have destroyed his nuts. What a complete moron!

Andi - 27/8/10 at 07:05 PM

I like a practical joke as much as the next idiot. But if it would have gone like that, my initial reaction would be "s**t what have we done" and would not be laughing.
Looks like a nasty case of bullying.

Daddylonglegs - 27/8/10 at 07:53 PM

What's the betting that guy is in awheelchari in the future with a totalled back!?

Pathetic stunt I'm afraid

gottabedone - 27/8/10 at 08:03 PM

The guy is lying on the floor hurting and these cretins are in hysterics!
Also looks like he hit somthing in the roof as well!

not funny I'm afraid!

Dingz - 27/8/10 at 10:28 PM

It has worried me for a while that modern cars have so many explosive devices in them, all the airbags and then seatbelt tensioners, makes 60 litres of petrol seem harmless!

Simon - 27/8/10 at 11:09 PM

A friend of mine runs a Ford shop with his bro and many years ago when airbags were starting to be mass produced he told us about the H&S for setting them off them - putting it in a pile of tyres and leaving the room seems to spring to mind.

Think they missed out the last bit!



morcus - 28/8/10 at 06:26 AM

To be honest I wouldn't think its that likely to be copied as I doubt the kind of people that could set something up like that would, or at least I hope so. It might be real but something about it made me think it was fake, but I'm not willing to try and find out either way.

40inches - 28/8/10 at 08:45 AM

Not funny
At least this guy was prepared.

Ninehigh - 28/8/10 at 12:25 PM

The first one I imagine was fake, the second looks about what I'd imagine it would do when used as an ejector seat.

Btw in this country you need an explosives licence to handle and store them

Wadders - 28/8/10 at 01:43 PM

Sorry i must be sick, cos i found that hilarious


MikeRJ - 28/8/10 at 07:04 PM

If it's real then that poor guy is almost certainly going to have serious back problems in the future, if not already. Pathetic stunt.