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Ain't the world wierd?
BenB - 30/11/10 at 07:13 PM

so a bloke who attacks the French Police with a hammer gets tazered and dies.

a) he attacked the police with a hammer
b) don't the French police mostly carry guns so an occasional Tazer related death is preferable

Or am I looking at this in a simple manner?

Reminds me of:

Alan B - 30/11/10 at 07:24 PM

No, I agree...the guy was unlucky to die, but attacking people with hammers is somewhat uncivilised to say the least and some consquence was to be expected.

Rek - 30/11/10 at 07:35 PM

I was in Paris for a job interview on friday.. I couldnt believe how many cops and soldiers were patrolling around.

will121 - 30/11/10 at 07:56 PM

like how the media calls attack on a police officer with a hammer a 'fracas' students protest getting of hand is a riot!!

martyn_16v - 30/11/10 at 08:53 PM

Originally posted by will121
students protest getting of hand is a riot!!

Chucking a fire extinguisher off a building into a crowd is attempted manslaughter to be fair, bloody amazing it didn't take someone's head off.

SeanStone - 30/11/10 at 09:06 PM

Originally posted by Rek
I was in Paris for a job interview on friday.. I couldnt believe how many cops and soldiers were patrolling around.

I believe there is a heightened terrorist alert in France at the moment?

blakep82 - 30/11/10 at 09:36 PM

i had the misfortune of being in paris (what a load of sh!te lol) 10 years ago, you'll get a load of coppers standing about, they all pile in a van lights and sirens come on, they drive off round the block and park up again

Paul TigerB6 - 30/11/10 at 10:22 PM

Originally posted by Rek
I was in Paris for a job interview on friday.. I couldnt believe how many cops and soldiers were patrolling around.

They must have been tipped off that you were in town!!

Confused but excited. - 1/12/10 at 11:14 AM

The only sensible verdict is suicide.