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Royal mail rant
matty h - 27/3/12 at 06:53 PM

Anyone else think royal mail are taking the p**s with there price increses begining to make buying/selling on e bay expensive due to postage costs.Maybe this is why e bay have had two free listing weekends in a row.

r1_pete - 27/3/12 at 07:02 PM

Wait till privatisation, one of the favourites is Deusche Post, and UK prices are about half those is Germany.

I check everything n Parcel2go before pricing a sale.

Brooky - 27/3/12 at 07:03 PM

Im going to buy about 20 quids worth of first class stamps before the price goes up.
Sort of a savings bond.

ReMan - 27/3/12 at 07:05 PM

But not surprising for a dying business

chris mason - 27/3/12 at 07:07 PM

As Pete says wait until they're privitised next year, then they'll become a profit making business or cease to be, expect prices to climb again and again.
To be fair though 60p too send a letter anywhere in the UK is still good value.
As a business though we will be looking to follow some of our suppliers and operate all our invoicing etc by email, payments by bacs (we already do) so instead of spending hundreds of pounds a year on postage like we do now, we'll probably get that down to zero.

[Edited on 27/3/12 by chris mason]

blakep82 - 27/3/12 at 07:08 PM

hmm, i don't think the price increase is just all about ebay...
and i can't see how it affects ebay listings either? surely only affects the buyer, in which case it doesn't affect the seller. think there's a slightly wider aspect. increase in fuel costs, vat etc probably never caught up with it all before, also, less letters sent, even banks going on email statements hugely reduces the volume, lorrys, vans, even planes still need to run whether they're full or half full. yes its a big increase, but i'm surprised it hasn't crept up more every year.

how far could you deliver a letter personally for less than 60p? bet you 60p of petrol wouldn't even get you to the other side of town, never mind the country

[Edited on 27/3/12 by blakep82]

hillbillyracer - 27/3/12 at 08:07 PM

Mabye the real problem is letting private companies cherry pick the profitable areas of post while the Royal Mail is obliged to take everything?!

slingshot2000 - 27/3/12 at 08:33 PM

Originally posted by hillbillyracer
Mabye the real problem is letting private companies cherry pick the profitable areas of post while the Royal Mail is obliged to take everything?!

I totally agree with this, why cannot the idiotts in charge realise that they have allowed foreign parcel companies to completely undercut the Royal Mail. The take the bulk and then expect the Post Office to deliver to every address across the country !

SteveWalker - 27/3/12 at 09:18 PM

Unfortunately they're losing business rapidly - not helped by re-organised deliveries and union activity.

I worked through an agency with thousands of people on the books, each one receiving weekly notifications of pay, tax, etc. The posties went on strike, so the agency promptly shifted to email and has stuck with that ever since.

Each price increase, bout of union action or reduction in service drives people away and soon only those things that actually need a physical delivery will be left. By then other companies will probably be competing with them even more.

ReMan - 27/3/12 at 09:31 PM

It's not the fact that it's 60p
As said, its actually not that bad a cost for a service, but the %age increase is whats seen as a wee take in the current climate, higher feucost or not
And unfortunatly mosty of us can see to use alternatives

Simon - 27/3/12 at 09:33 PM

Funny. I'm chief marshal for a few veteran motorcycle events and it costs me a small fortune in postage (could reclaim but can't be arsed tbh) every year inviting marshals to take part.

This year I've already told everyone that it's email notification only from next year so get an email address to me or else (apart from one old chap who gave me a quid towards postage).

Perfect timing so the PO has justified my decision



Ninehigh - 27/3/12 at 10:00 PM

Any letter I send now goes recorded delivery (even though they still lie about when they recieved it) so posting a letter's £1.20 for me anyway

RK - 27/3/12 at 10:09 PM

It's run by a Canadian woman. And if you want crap service, go with Canada Post. Not looking good for you.

James - 27/3/12 at 10:41 PM

Along with the £11bn loss on the gold reserve sale, the lack of regulation of the banks this problem can be firmly laid at Gordon Brown and Labour's door.

It was they who changed the rules of the PO so that they could no longer make a profit and all money had to go to the treasury. Hence the problem with the pension fund which is now £billions in deficit.

Thank you once again Labour!

Privatisation will, in my opinion, be a total disaster. We will lose the brilliant service we've had for 100s(?) of years and it'll be an utter farce like the train system with it all carved up to lots of small firms. You'll end up paying different amounts to post to different places and you'll start to find places you can't deliver too without recruiting a special, single delivery.


RK - 27/3/12 at 10:59 PM

Yes, I would agree. The rail service declined hugely when I went back for visits a few years ago, after Thatcher had her way.

se7en - 27/3/12 at 11:01 PM

Originally posted by chris mason
As Pete says wait until they're privitised next year, then they'll become a profit making business or cease to be, expect prices to climb again and again.
To be fair though 60p too send a letter anywhere in the UK is still good value.
As a business though we will be looking to follow some of our suppliers and operate all our invoicing etc by email, payments by bacs (we already do) so instead of spending hundreds of pounds a year on postage like we do now, we'll probably get that down to zero.

[Edited on 27/3/12 by chris mason]
