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Virgin media rip off?????
scotty g - 3/5/13 at 08:22 PM

Hi all,
the GF phoned up Virgin this morning, she's decided she wants to change her phone number as shes getting annoying phone calls from her ex.
They said that just to change the number will cost us £85!!!!!!!!
Anyone know how the hell they worked that out only it seems a bit frikkin steep to me!!!!!

Ninehigh - 3/5/13 at 08:36 PM

Iirc I was with Orange when they did it for free.

At most there's the administrative cost, and since they took about 10 minutes to do it I suppose a fiver is more than enough

SteveWalker - 3/5/13 at 10:05 PM

I'm not sure about Virgin, but BT used to charge for changing a number, but they'd waive the charge if you were receiving nuisance phonecalls. Alternatively, threaten to leave to get a new number with another provider and see if they'll drop the charge.

Smoking Frog - 3/5/13 at 11:44 PM

If the landline is not used much you can have it removed from the bill. But you save less than a fiver. Or maybe buy a answerphone, has the added bonus of ignoring ppi calls etc.


rusty nuts - 4/5/13 at 07:15 AM

Block any numbers he is calling from, not sure how but I think it can be done

splitrivet - 4/5/13 at 09:41 AM

Depends how she's asked for the number change, if its as your post ie I fancy a number change because of my ex they'll charge,
If it was I'm getting loads of nuisance calls in the middle of the night I'm a woman on my own scared shiteless etc etc they wont or shouldnt.
Which is by the by as if she's asked in the first way its now on record.