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Guinness - 10/6/08 at 06:05 AM

Just woken up to find the yard gate wide open and my mountain bike stolen!


It was a Purple Specialised Stumpjumper Pro, with Neon Yellow Bar Ends, titanium bars, full set of rechargable lights, computer etc.

They also got my pump, seat bag, with tool kit in it!

Just waiting on the police coming round!

So, should I claim on my insurance? If so, what is a good replacement bike?

Also, I need to upgrade my security. Anyone got a link to a decent 2/3 camera cctv kit?



worX - 10/6/08 at 06:23 AM

Gutted for you mate...

Is it insured on a seperate Bicycle clause in your policy?

If not then it might only be insured up to a certain amount for being in your back yard.

Are you sure it wasn't in your shed/garage?


jambojeef - 10/6/08 at 07:50 AM


Gutted for you Mike!

How did they get in and get the bike away? I always thought your yard looked pretty secure to me?

I'll have a look in Maplin's for ideas ont he CCTV front - maybe Ive been living in the sticks too long but Ive always fancied an excuse to buy something from:


The Great Fandango - 10/6/08 at 08:11 AM

As a victim of crime (was broken into twice and they removed EVERYTHING but the kitchen sink).

I really don't know what I would do if I found someone in my home. Needless to say I'd probably end up being the one that went to prison.


Schrodinger - 10/6/08 at 09:20 AM

I feel gutted for you mate.
I have an Orange 5 hope pro which I love and an Orange Gringo but I have recently built a Santa Cruz Juliana for my wife and would recommend the Superlight (same as the Juliana) as a realy nice bike.

omega0684 - 10/6/08 at 10:02 AM

i feel gutted for you as well mate,

but i have a question, was your mountain bike left outside at night? 'specialized' bikes arn't cheap, why was it not inside or locked up to something?

westcost1 - 10/6/08 at 10:41 AM

i got a usb hub for cctv from rs was about £15 and comes with a good program to run the system exclent for the money just go and buy some cams of ebay abd plug them in. my one works realy well.

Guinness - 10/6/08 at 11:24 AM

Thanks lads.

Well the police have been, given me a crime number and some crime prevention advice.

I got the bike back in 1992 when I used to be the Saturday boy at the local bike shop! Can't remember what I paid for it, but it's certainly paid for itself over the last 16 years (including 1 as a cycle courier!)

However, I'm shocked by the price of a new Stumpjumper Pro! It's in the £1,000's rather than £100's!

Anyway, it's pretty academic anyway as my household insurance only covers bikes to the value of £350 and there is a £100 excess to pay. So it looks like I'm paying for my new bike!

Omega, I went out for a ride after work last night, got in, left the bike in my back yard and chilled out for a bit. When I went to bed I forgot to put it up on the carrier and lock it to the wife's bike / carrier. Yes I forgot to lock it up, but it's the only time in the last 7 years it hasn't been locked up. My fault? I guess so, but it's my bleeping yard, my house, my stuff.

FYI my yard has a set of 8' gates, topped with anti-climb spikes, 3 rows of stainless steel wire stretched across the top of that and a 2' high wire mesh fence on top of the wall into next doors yard. The gate is padlocked shut (which they bust off!).

However it doesn't help that some of our neighbours leave their wheelie bins out all the time! So it looks like someone has put a wheelie bin against my back wall, climbed up the newly installed lampost, onto my roof, and then dropped down into my yard (using my wheelie bin) and then bust out of the yard.

The policeman said he couldn't possibly officially recommend that I painted the lampost in anti-climb paint, but that it might be a good idea



RickRick - 10/6/08 at 12:35 PM

my marin mount vision pro lives in the spare bedroom my GF isn't happy about it but that's were it lives

02GF74 - 10/6/08 at 12:50 PM

Originally posted by Guinness
When I went to bed I forgot to put it up on the carrier and lock it to the wife's bike / carrier. Yes I forgot to lock it up, but it's the only time in the last 7 years it hasn't been locked up. My fault? I guess so, but it's my ****ing yard, my house, my stuff.

No - it is not your fualt, just unlucky,

no different to it being anyon'es fault for leaving a laptop in full view in a car* - IT IS THE THEIVEING SCROTES that are at fault!!!

(*I wouldn't recommend doing that but our f***ed up society is no longer blaming the criminals; I bet they can sue you if they cut trhir hand whilst punching in your car window!)