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can you drive your car to dvla
jpindy3 - 1/5/09 at 08:07 PM

can you drive it to the dvla for the to look at the numders????

gregs - 1/5/09 at 08:08 PM


richardh - 1/5/09 at 08:08 PM

if its a pre booked apt then yes

madteg - 1/5/09 at 08:08 PM


tomgregory2000 - 1/5/09 at 08:10 PM

NO as they can refuse to inspect you

But i did and it was fine

eccsmk - 1/5/09 at 08:14 PM

had my inspection today and was told it was not to be driven !

Snuggs - 1/5/09 at 08:21 PM

I drove to DVLA but that was 5 years ago so the rules may have changed.

RichardK - 1/5/09 at 08:23 PM

Nope, fraid not

Gary 7 - 1/5/09 at 08:29 PM

I phoned and asked if i could drive my car to the inspection and was told yes ,so i did.

richardh - 1/5/09 at 08:34 PM

when i had my 2 dvl ainspections (mnr last summer) and robin hood 2 years before that i rang and was told it was ok.

have the rules changed then or is it the same old one place dies one thing the other another.

coppers followed me off motorway to inspection and i said what i was ther for and no probs - also had a make shift sign on rear saying DVLA INSPECTION

kind makes an ass out of the system now

so you need a trailer, tow bar and a car that can tow it. just not sensible really as it'll have gone through sva/iva, be insured on chassis no and possibly mot'd before sva in some cases

rusty nuts - 1/5/09 at 08:43 PM

I was told by Peterborough DVLA it was OK to drive to inspection 4? years ago. About time they got their act together and had a consistent policy!

Gary 7 - 1/5/09 at 08:46 PM

Somone could drive half way round the country to sva in a death trap,but you cant drive a sva passed car to a dvla inspection,who dreams this up.

iscmatt - 1/5/09 at 08:47 PM

I looked into this a couple of years back when i had to get my car registered, went through the paper work (well dad did) and found that yes you can drive to the inspection despite what a lot of others think.

Scoobythedog - 1/5/09 at 08:56 PM

Can you confirm were it says you can ?

Leeds DVLA won't let me.

BenB - 1/5/09 at 09:16 PM

I think it's up to the person @ your local DVLA office. But I'd want it in writing!!!

matt.c - 1/5/09 at 09:19 PM

I drove mine. Pre booked appointment.

stevem2727 - 1/5/09 at 09:42 PM

I had mine at wimbledon 1 week ago and was told it could not be driven

omega0684 - 1/5/09 at 09:57 PM

you are allowed to drive to SVA/IVA as it is an actual test, the same as if you are driving to an MOT.

the dvla inspection is not an examination and therefore not classed as such, whereas the SVA/IVA & MOT are. therefore you would be driving on the road in an untaxed vehicle, which is of course illegal




MautoK - 1/5/09 at 10:05 PM

I agree absolutely that it is legal to drive to a pre-booked MoT or SVA/IVA TEST.
An unregistered/untaxed car is otherwise not allowed on the road - period.
It's nothing to do with what 'DVLA say'

Originally posted by omega0684
you are allowed to drive to SVA/IVA as it is an actual test, the same as if you are driving to an MOT.

the dvla inspection is not an examination and therefore not classed as such, whereas the SVA/IVA & MOT are. therefore you would be driving on the road in an untaxed vehicle, which is of course illegal




craig1410 - 1/5/09 at 10:27 PM

Definitely not!
I was told by the DVLA inspector when I met him at the SVA test centre that I could not drive to DVLA inspection. He too thought is was one of life's little contradictions but that's the rules!

You can to and from SVA tests and to and from a garage where a pre-booked appointment has been made to correct an issue spotted during an SVA failure. That's it - period!


mangogrooveworkshop - 1/5/09 at 10:49 PM

Just had Craig the DVLA man, come out to see the two cars at home here.

myeates - 2/5/09 at 08:06 AM

when i was booking mine i asked them can i drive there so i did.

think it depends on where you get it done

mad-butcher - 2/5/09 at 08:49 AM

wonder if anybody has ever had one impounded then crushed for having no tax, you wouldn't admit to it would you


craig1410 - 2/5/09 at 11:06 AM

Originally posted by Paul TigerB6
The official law says no you cant drive to the DVLA local office. Seems many within the DVLA offices know the law even less than many on here though and give permission. They are wrong though and am sure if it ended up in court, would deny it without written evidence. As stated, drive it if you can get it in writing, otherwise, be warned....

The way I look at it - is it worth risking getting a fine or penalty points or even vehicle confiscation to save the cost of a trailer hire for a day (maybe £40)? I see this the same as driving around with no MOT or no Tax - it might save some money in the short term but it's just not worth the risk in the mid to long term.

Look at it another way - would you like to have to stand up in court (or even at the roadside) and try to defend yourself if caught driving to DVLA for inspection when the rules on this are so sketchy? On the other hand I think we are all comfortable with the fact that driving to SVA for a pre-booked test IS legal provided we have insurance and the car is "roadworthy".

Best to play this one safe I'd say.

Fencewrecker - 2/5/09 at 07:04 PM

It seems that some things are getting mixed up.
You CAN drive and I think must drive to SVA/IVA/MOT (its the only time you can legally drive plate-less, though you must be insured). You CANNOT drive to DVLA office UNLESS it is on your route home. Now I would use a SatNav and I am sure that you will find the DVLA office on route.

Hope this clarifies.
