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Concentric slave bearing
Gary 7 - 25/9/13 at 03:17 PM

Trying to convert my car to concentric clutch , got the saab cylinder and bearing , spacer machined up,.i have just noticed the release bearing not going to work on my curly finger ap clutch ,needs a flat bearing, does anyone know if there is a flat bearing to fit the saab cylinder.

If i had noticed this sooner the ford mondeo one looks better suited ,which one do i go for 16/18/2 litre or v6 ,anyone know the difference between them. Thanks in advance

Agriv8 - 25/9/13 at 07:23 PM


Ap do a copy of the Saab one ( I have a Saab copy with a larger centre bore )

Maybe worth looking on Here

ATB agriv8

Gary 7 - 26/9/13 at 07:19 AM

Thanks , looked at those the saab bearing is 38mm id ,so need a 38mm id with 54mm face. I will have to look into the mondeo slave.

ashg - 26/9/13 at 09:27 AM

vauxhall omega one has a flat face. seems to work fine on my saab clutch too