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Le Mans 2024 ?
Deckman001 - 7/11/23 at 04:11 PM

So Hi All, am thinking about going to the Le Mans 24hr race in 2024 for my first time. I have an option to go with a caterham group, but it's not very locost !!
So have any of you been there before and can you give me any advice re booking options, places to go, stay and watch from, accommodation and food along with travel options ?

I also have the possible option to drive there in my Locost, or in a tin top, so the options are almost endless lol

Cheers for any replies.


nick205 - 7/11/23 at 05:43 PM

Been before, few years back, booked for me so can't advise on that bit, but...

Drove in tin top.


Took as much food as we could in the car.

Stopped a few miles before and bought beer to take.

Amazing trip, friendly crowd and A1 motorsport.

peter030371 - 8/11/23 at 01:24 PM

Look up/ message yogibear1969 on here. He has been going for years and seems to enjoy it

if he doesn't get back to you I do have his contact details so message me and I can try and link the two of you up.

gremlin1234 - 8/11/23 at 02:30 PM

I have been to LeMans many times,
my own preference now is the LeMans classic, staying inside the circuit at Tartre Rouge with the TSSC. (disclosure, I helped set this event up for them...)

LeMans has a tram service, so it should be possible to stay almost anywhere in the city and have easy access to the circuit, I did see something recommending staying at the university halls, and tram in from there.

LeMans also has a wonderful medieval city centre, which you should try to visit.

I did once visit using the train eurotunnel & tgv, If doing this, I suggest a stop in Paris either on the way there, or the way back. - a very good option if taking a wife or girlfriend!

as an aside, be carful of what food you take with you, since exporting UK products to the EU can be fraught. [no milk, meat or similar]
also supermarket lager should be a bit cheaper there.

[Edited on 8-11-2023 by gremlin1234]

Deckman001 - 8/11/23 at 05:05 PM

Cheers guys, good advice too
